Although it can be interesting how to map embankment properties on other
objects like roads or railroads (where the discussion led in the meantime),
this discussion started as a question how to map embankments on their own,
as features. I am interested in providing the data needed to create a map
> 'Embankment' is frequently used for a built-up structure on a steep
> hillside that keeps a road, railroad, or similar feature from sliding into
> a gorge or river. See
> Embankment_%28transportation%29#/media/File:Embankment_1_%28PSF%29.png
> for an illustration
2016-11-30 11:03 GMT+01:00 Volker Schmidt :
> I would tag the structures in the illustration as "retaining_wall" in OSM.
+1, but there's also an embankment. And there are similar cases without the
retaining wall, so it's of course completely possible to have an embankment
on one side only.
Thank you for your comments. I've tried to take them into account at
best. It won't be perfect, but at least it enables to extend the scope
of 'visibility' tag (which was once only for clocks), to other devices.
Moreover by keeping the three existing values ( 'house', 'street',