On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 5:29 PM, moltonel 3x Combo
> I was arguing against a worldwide unified classification. What you're
> worried about is only local classification :
> A router won't care about classification differences between far away
> places like Germany to Ethiopia. They just c
Hi Pavel,
First let me say that I am totally against the idea of “silly tags” such as
works_as_highway=primary. This just indicates a lack of understanding of the
real situation.
I have looked at your problem and understand what you are seeing. I will give
you examples in the Czech Republic as
On 29/07/2015, Marc Gemis wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 5:29 PM, moltonel 3x Combo
> wrote:
>> A router won't care about classification differences between far away
>> places like Germany to Ethiopia. They just care about taking the best
>> road in the area, and as long as OSM is locally con
What I try to say is that you should not map a important road for large
distances as "secondary + works_as_primary" just because it is a smaller,
has a different surface, a different ref or whatever.
Then (large distance, important road) it is a primary road IMHO, regardless
of any other tags.
On 07/29/2015 07:11 AM, moltonel 3x Combo wrote:
Routers can already use 'prefer primary to secondary' worldwide.
Nowhere in the OSM world is secondary defined as better than primary.
In any given area. a car router can confidently prefer 'primary'.
Based on what John Willis has said about tagg
A better router might weight physical attributes such as lanes, surface and
effective speed more prominently than heuristics based on logical stuff like
administrative classifications and legal maximum speeds. Artificially
manipulating the tagging to influence the results of routing algorithms i
sent from a phone
> Am 29.07.2015 um 15:08 schrieb Andrew Guertin :
> I think that this breaks a router's idea that primary is "better" than
> secondary, and I think that this problem is exactly why people advocate for
> not following official classification.
I believe the term "official
W dniu 29.07.2015 17:01, Martin Koppenhoefer napisał(a):
This is admittedly only the German situation but my guess is that many
other countries operate in a similar way (i.e. do have more complex
road classes internally than what is visible from signposted ref).
We have similar discussion abou
sent from a phone
> Am 29.07.2015 um 18:37 schrieb Daniel Koć :
> highway:class:pl=S/A/GP/G
> highway:category:pl=2/4/6/7 (the number is the same as the corresponding
> admin_level)
category and class are very generic terms, if you can specify more precisely
the kind of class/category it