that may mean without a good proposal and definition) in many renderers,
but the information will exist in OSM in a structured way for future
Example query for South-Sweden: https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/119b
Kind regards,
/Hidde Wieringa/
[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w
. You could group certain information together if your use-case
would benefit from it.
Kind regards,
/Hidde Wieringa/
[2] https://dev.overpass-api.de/overpass-doc/en/
[3] https://osm2pgsql.org/
On 16-11-2020
e the EuroVelo cycling
routes [5].
Kind regards,
/Hidde Wieringa/
[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:name
[2] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Cycle_routes#Rendered_cycle_maps
[3] https://cycling.waymarkedtrails.org
[4] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Relation:superroute
You could use "line_management=transition" (and according to the wiki
also "location:transition=yes"). See for more examples the wiki
with similar entries as the photo you posted.
Whether this suppresses the warnin
[4] https://opencampingmap.org/#16/47.1235/9.9975/1/1/bef
[5] https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/193412043
[6] https://opencampingmap.org/#16/47.1139/9.2110/1/1/bef
On 16-08-2020 08:16, Warin wrote:
On 15/8/20 4:49 am, Hidde Wieringa wrote:
Good day,
I am having trouble with the tourism tags
update the wiki or draft a
proposal for differentiating these two tags, if necessary.
Kind regards,
/Hidde Wieringa/
[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Extend_camp_site
t from the existing types in the app (the
main argument in the linked issues).
Kind regards,
/Hidde Wieringa/
[1] (NL) https://bike-safe.nl/index.php/fietsparkeeroplossingen/stuurdrager
[2] (NL)
The table with value in the bicycle_parking wiki has been updated with
this new value handlebar_holder.
The photo has been uploaded to WikiMedia Commons (CC0).
Kind regards,/
Hidde Wieringa/
On 13-06-2020 23:22, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging wrote:
Can you take your own photo of such
here: https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/V2l
For completeness, these methods of parking your bicycle also exist in
The Netherlands.
Kind regards,/
Hidde Wieringa/
On 13-06-2020 21:47, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging wrote:
It probably needs a new value, maybe one
not yet documented on that page
makes using the data easier. Later, the unnamed places could
still be given a name by a mapper with that knowledge.
The tough question is when some place is considered a 'place' and may be
mapped when the name is unknown.
I am curious about further reactions o
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