gt; On 03/08/2010 14:18, Daniel Tremblay wrote:
>> Yes, I can bike on normal lane and I do it. I don't like however to find
>> myself on a 90km/h road with no shoulders. This is the kind of situation I
>> would like to avoid when preparing my trip. This is why th
Nathan's answer
> On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 8:25 AM, Daniel Tremblay
> wrote:
> > Back to the primary objective of my suggestion: when I am preparing a
> > cycling ride on unknown-to-me roads that are not marked as cycleways, I
> > would like to know if those are bike-able:
define the tagging structure in order to meet as many needs as possible. It
is not suitable that anybody tags anything anyhow. I understand and respect
Daniel Tremblay
Tagging mailing list
provide a complete free map of the world?
Maybe I don't get it right... But don't kill the project with unfollowable
and incomprehensive rules / tags.
Daniel Tremblay
Tagging mailing list
Regarding my cycleway=no_shoulder suggestion, here are a couple of example
we see often in Quebec, where car and bicycle share the road without
shoulders :
low enough for a relatively safe sharing of the
road between car and bicycle even if there is pratically no shoulder (I have
an example of that near my home).
As I am suggesting adding values to the cycleway tag, I still believe that
the shoulder indicator would be usefull ...
Any thought on this?