how the customer can have the product and not in
what form the stock in the shop is kept
PS: I think your butcher is outdated, I haven't seen any refusals
for at least 2 years :) including in Carrefour-like shop
Le 12.09.19 à 12:54, Antoine Jaury via Tagging a écrit :
And sorry Marc but I
se your glass jar to buy
some meat. Most of them will say that they have to use one-use only bags
for hygienic reasons.
On 12/09/2019 12:29, marc marc wrote:
Le 12.09.19 à 12:20, Antoine Jaury via Tagging a écrit :
c marc wrote:
Le 12.09.19 à 12:20, Antoine Jaury via Tagging a écrit :
Definition: Describes a shop accepting reusable containers from their
customers and/or proposing some
it'sn't the same as https://wiki.opens
I would like to propose the following feature for comments:
Definition: Describes a shop accepting reusable containers from their
customers and/or proposing some
Thank you all for your kindly comments and ha