And sorry Marc but I don't have an article explaining the use of one-use only bag proposed by bulk purchase shops.

In my case, I buy only bulk purchase products and it often happen in supermarket for example that you can only use the supermarket's paper bags with a plastic window on the bag to see what is inside. I tried once to use in an "Carrefour shop" a paper bag I reused from another shop and one of the sell men explained to me that I couldn't do that because they need to see what is inside the bag without opening it and for hygienic reasons we can't reuse a bag multiple times.

As explained also in my previous message: butchers, backery, pastry shops ... are the perfect example of shops with bulk products that will not automatically accept reusable packaging. It's difficult for instance to find a butcher that will accept that you use your glass jar to buy some meat. Most of them will say that they have to use one-use only bags for hygienic reasons.

On 12/09/2019 12:29, marc marc wrote:

Le 12.09.19 à 12:20, Antoine Jaury via Tagging a écrit :
Definition: Describes a shop accepting reusable containers from their
customers and/or proposing some
it'sn't the same as ?
you said "Some shops selling bulk products will only accept that their
customers use the one-use only bags proposed by the shop. "
bulk product in one-use packaging provided by the store ? I have never
heard such a contradiction. do you have a link to an article on this
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