On 14/07/2016 20:09, Bjoern Hassler wrote:
Tagging mailing list
Hi Martin,
thanks - very much appreciated!!
On 14 July 2016 at 20:30, Martin Koppenhoefer
> 2016-07-14 21:09 GMT+02:00 Bjoern Hassler :
>> Of course, you could do a match on the value (rather than =), but I
>> thought the point of the ";" was to separate multiple values?
2016-07-14 21:09 GMT+02:00 Bjoern Hassler :
> Of course, you could do a match on the value (rather than =), but I
> thought the point of the ";" was to separate multiple values?
see for example this
Hi all,
Should a key="A;B" not match A and B in overpass? I guess it does not.
For example, "line"="Jubilee;Piccadilly;Victoria" is retrieved only by
and not by
See these two links:
Hi all,
thanks for comments. Makes me think about validation. Is there a validator
that can be used to compare the accepted schemes to what the actual tagging
is? For example, is it possible to validate against manually constructed
schemes in JOSM? Is it possible to view osmose errors on certain o
2016-07-14 12:53 GMT+02:00 Kieron Thwaites :
> Yes, it's two different tagging schemes. "station=subway" belongs to
> the legacy station mapping scheme, while "subway=yes" belongs to the
> more detailed (and more complex) public transport schema, and is (or
> should be!) found together with a pub
On 14 July 2016 at 12:24, Bjoern Hassler wrote:
> (1) both "line" and "tube" are in use to designate lines (e.g.
> "Piccaddilly;Bakerloo"). Only one of them tends to be filled. I assume this
> should all be "line"?
I'd actually tag this as the name=* of the route_master relation.
Open to hearing
Hi all, hi Kieran, hi Richard,
Another question: Looking at the stations,
(1) both "line" and "tube" are in use to designate lines (e.g.
"Piccaddilly;Bakerloo"). Only one of them tends to be filled. I assume this
should all be "line"?
(2) Also, I assume the ";" as a separator is correct?
I.e. Pi
Bjoern Hassler wrote:
> Second question: network. The wiki page
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/London_public_transport_tagging_scheme
> doesn't say much about "network", and these values are in use:
> - London Underground
> - National Rail
> - Network Rail
> - London Overground
> - TfL
> -