Hi all, hi Kieran, hi Richard,

Another question: Looking at the stations,

(1) both "line" and "tube" are in use to designate lines (e.g.
"Piccaddilly;Bakerloo"). Only one of them tends to be filled. I assume this
should all be "line"?

(2) Also, I assume the ";" as a separator is correct?
I.e. Piccaddilly;Bakerloo rather than Piccaddilly,Bakerloo ?

(3) I've also noticed "station=subway" vs. "subway=yes". Any thoughts on

Kieran, thanks for the suggestion. At the moment, brand isn't used on any
station, but it could be added.

> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:operator#Owner_or_brand_name_aren.27t_necessarily_the_operator
> You should tag operator=* with the actual operator, which in your case
> would be either London Overground Rail Operations or KeolisAmey
> Docklands Ltd.  This is despite the fact that the franchise may change
> every few years: if and when it does, the values of operator=* should
> be updated.

Thanks for that too - at the moment, the correct operator isn't used a
single time. However, "London Overground" is used, and the old DLR operator
"Serco" in a few places. In terms of "duck" tagging (and future proofing),
would it not be better to just stick with shortened names, "London
Overground" and "DLR"?

Richard, that makes sense. Btw. operator=National Rail does not occur, but
operator=Network Rail does, so that side is correct.

Many thanks!
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