Hallo SA-List,
I set up this question already once. No answer. :-(
If I enter
server:~/tools# ./check_whitelist | grep [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot open file /root/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht
I use SA 2.60
The permissions are ok. (777)
The folder .spam
The permissions most likely aren't OK. Are you running the
"check_whitelist" command as root? If not, you probably have no access
to the /root directory.
Jim Knuth wrote:
Hallo SA-List,
I wont use the tool "check_whitelist".
When I use the command: ./check_whitelist | grep [EMAIL PROTECTED
Hallo und Guten Tag Patrick,
am Sonntag, 19. Oktober 2003, 17:27:52, schriebst Du:
> The permissions most likely aren't OK. Are you running the
> "check_whitelist" command as root? If not, you probably have no access
> to the /root directory.
I know this:
SA Version 2.60
There are 2 files i
Hallo SA-List,
I wont use the tool "check_whitelist".
When I use the command: ./check_whitelist | grep [EMAIL PROTECTED]
than comes:
server1:~/tools# ./check_whitelist | grep [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot open file /root/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist:
The permissions are ok.
What`s wrong?