Would a rule that adds points for no pingable web site for a domain
be useful? If spam comes in from [EMAIL PROTECTED], could
http://www.example.com be tested? If you get a 404 or no response,
give the message a couple points. Just an idea, Mike
Michael Clark, Webmaster
Center for
the subject. Thanks, Mike
Michael Clark, Webmaster
Center for Democracy and Technology
1634 Eye Street NW, Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20006
voice: 202-637-9800
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-0400 6/5/03, Theo Van Dinter wrote:
On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 05:49:48PM -0400, Michael Clark wrote:
Is there a rule for matching the username in the subject line? I've
been getting lots of spam with a subject line of "mclark,
information for you" or "webmaster turn back ti
I need to upgrade a few mail servers copies of SpamAssassin from 2.11
to 2.42 (and one from 2.01). Should I delete the ancient existing
copy, and then install, or simply install 2.42 per the standard
instructions? The old versions are working fine. Thanks, Michael
Michael Clark, Webmaster
Never mind. I'm a fool. It is working fine, and reading from the
correct ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs file. I'll be over on the corner.
That's the odd thing about computers. They only do exactly what
they're told to do. Mike
>I thought the < looked odd. But it doesn't work either way. But is
I thought the < looked odd. But it doesn't work either way. But is
the -c even needed? I thought the users_pref under .spamassassin was
read automatically.
>On 13 March 2002, Rob McMillin said:
>> -p only reads user scores. Did you try
>> :0fw:
>> | spamassassin -P -c
My user_prefs aren't being read. It seems that the user_prefs should
be read automagically when processing mail. I added -c
/home/mclark/.spamassassin/user_prefs and then -p
/home/mclark/.spamassassin/user_prefs to the .procmailrc and they
user_prefs aren't processed.
Complete /home/mclark/.p