We do internet <-> [SA/virus scanner gateway] <-> [sendmail server] <->
[exchange server]
Some clients on the sendmail server, some on the exchange server. SA
works great for us, 300 employees, 5000 messages a day to/from the
internet (33-45% spam)
> -Original Message-
> From: Ste
y, January 09, 2003 11:02 AM
> To: Andrew M. Hoying; MailScanner mailing list
> Cc: SpamAssassin Users' list
> Subject: RE: [SAtalk] RE: OT: Dynamically updating /etc/mail/access
> Isn't that the point of DNS RBLs?
> | -Original Message-
> |
I'm including the spamassassin list in this because I think it is
relevant there as well. Has anyone thought about starting some kind of
distributed (like razor and dcc) or community (like spamassassin) based
effort to build a near real time access list like this? Obviously this
list doesn't catch
I had this happen on one of my systems as well, I never figured out the cause. It was
after I installed dcc, I didn't install pyzor. I ended up just setting it to run
spamassassin as it is a low volume mail server.
> -Original Message-
> From: Jon Gabrielson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTEC