[SAtalk] Re: spam test

2003-10-04 Thread Bernd Kuhls
On Do 02 Okt 2003 10:46:13p Eduardo Gargiulo wrote: > How could I test my setup? Hi, http://www.spamassassin.org/gtube/ Cheers, Bernd --- This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven. http://thinkgeek.com/sf _

[SAtalk] scores question

2003-10-04 Thread Ricardo Kleemann
Hi, I received a spam that got scored only 4.4 yet it had BAYES_80 as well as FORGED_HOTMAIL_RCVD. I'm not very familiar with how much these tags _should_ be scored, but shouldn't a FORGED_HOTMAIL_RCVD have a reasonably high score? And BAYES_80, typically how much does that contribute? I know th

Re: [SAtalk] Upgrading from 2.53 to 2.60

2003-10-04 Thread Patrick Morris
Yusuf Goolamabbas wrote: Hi, I want to upgrade from SA 2.53 to 2.60. It's very likely that some rules may have been added/deleted. I have modified some scores in my local.cf What happens if rules corresponding to the modified scores no longer exist in SA 2.60 ? Nothing will happen... You'll ju

Re: [SAtalk] Questions about Spam Assassin 2.60

2003-10-04 Thread Patrick Morris
Gwen Morse wrote: 2) below is the result of my test of sample-nonspam.txt. I find it confusing because although it scores 0.0/5.0 (Which I assume reads a 0 total score when 5 is the default for it to be spam), the message *says* it's been identified as possible incoming spam. Is that normal for _a

[SAtalk] removing a token from the bayes database, without using sa-learn -forget

2003-10-04 Thread Matt Kettler
I accidentally configured one of my servers without an appropriate bayes_ignore_header statement. I've since remedied that, and I used sa-learn to forget and relearn the messages I had onhand. However, autolearning has still left a bunch of these tokens in the bayesdb for messages not addresse

Re: [SAtalk] Re: Pyzor in 2.60?

2003-10-04 Thread Patrick Morris
Scott Rothgaber wrote: debug: executable for pyzor was found at /usr/local/bin/pyzor debug: Pyzor is available: /usr/local/bin/pyzor debug: entering helper-app run mode debug: Pyzor: got response: /usr/local/bin/pyzor: not found s2:[/etc/mail/spamassassin] > ls -l /usr/local/bin/pyzor -rwx--x--x

[SAtalk] problem with _AUTOLEARN_ in subject_tag

2003-10-04 Thread Hess Hodge
Hello, I'm using spamassassin version 2.60. I have the following two lines in my user_prefs file: rewrite_subject 1 subject_tag *SPAM* _HITS_(_REQD_) al=_AUTOLEARN_ An example spam gets its subject rewritten like so: Subject: *SPAM* 22.17(05.00) al=_AUTOLEARN_ Life Insurance I'm expectin

[SAtalk] procmail unable to write

2003-10-04 Thread Dan Doucette \(Dano\)
Hello, I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me out with my dilemma. I'm getting an error message in just one of my user's procmail logs. The error is; 'procmail: Error while writing to "caughtspam"' I've set the permissions properly, I'm sure of that. Here is my setup K6 2 450 MHz 512

Re: [SAtalk] auto reporting to razor

2003-10-04 Thread Ed Kasky
I am one of those that don't believe in auto-reporting due to possible false positives. However, the task of reporting dozens of spams certainly became tiresome. I take anything tagged as spam, move it to a folder with a procmail recipe and then check them to be sure there are no false positi

[SAtalk] senderbase.org

2003-10-04 Thread Amnon
A friend just sent me this email: I found a great resource last night for sources of SPAM. www.senderbase.com I was doing some research last night on where SPAM was coming from on my server. It is so easy now since I put the Spam assassin engine on the server. I stil

[SAtalk] Questions about Spam Assassin 2.60

2003-10-04 Thread Gwen Morse
1) I see you can turn individual tests off, but, is there a way to turn off _all_ tests and then turn the individual tests back on that you prefer (useful for example, for only using Spam Assassin as a Bayes filter)? If not, is it at all possible to lobby for this option to be added :)? If it's no

Re: [SAtalk] Bayes poison

2003-10-04 Thread Theo Van Dinter
On Thu, Oct 02, 2003 at 10:07:56AM -0500, Tom Meunier wrote: > What to do with a spam that includes this garbage at the bottom, in a hidden font? > Bayes freaked, I'm kinda glad it didn't auto-learn it. I'd rather have the false > negative than that. (Only snipped the Bayes poison from the mai

[SAtalk] Upgrade

2003-10-04 Thread Jim Knuth
Hallo SA-List, since I upgraded of V 2.60 have I no tests (only bayes). --snip X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-4.9 required=3.0 tests=BAYES_00 autolearn=no version=2.60 --snap Why is autolearn=no ? -- Viele Grüße, best regards Jim Knuth [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Zitat -- Bei den

Re: [SAtalk] sa-learn question

2003-10-04 Thread Abigail Marshall
Hello German, Friday, October 3, 2003, 8:11:15 AM, you wrote: GS> Hi list, i have some questions about sa-learn. GS> It is possible to run sa-learn while spamd is running? GS> It is possible to run sa-learn --rebuild while spamd is running? Yes. -Abigail ---

[SAtalk] Upgrade

2003-10-04 Thread Jim Knuth
Hallo SA-List, since I upgraded of V 2.60 have I no tests (only bayes). --snip X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-4.9 required=3.0 tests=BAYES_00 autolearn=no version=2.60 --snap Why is autolearn=no ? -- Viele Grüße, best regards Jim Knuth [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Zitat -- Kolibris

[SAtalk] sa-learn with saProxy sequence

2003-10-04 Thread Robert Wornan
In a Windows XP environment, I'm trying to run sa-learn on an mbx file with about 1000 spam messages. Thus far,no success. Following is sequence used: 1. Exported my Spam folder from Outlook 2000 as a pst file. Apparently successful. 2. Imported the pst file into Outlook Express as a Spam folder.

Re: [SAtalk] SA 2.60 - uninitialized value

2003-10-04 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Thu, 2 Oct 2003, Sam Kalet wrote: hI, you`re right, mixed that lines, sorry :D [...] > If I change line 707 to read: > > last if (defined $actual_length && $actual_length == $expected_length); i've tried this and got still some errors from it. i've changed the line into: last if (defined $e

RE: [SAtalk] options for spamassassin

2003-10-04 Thread Chris Santerre
I bet your having fun! Inheriting another person's network can be a nightmare. I've done so many tweaks, patches, and hacks even I don't know what I've done :-) Yes this is possible. As you have heard, not recommended. However you could send anything greater then 8 to a spamtrap for manual deletio

[SAtalk] Forgot the script

2003-10-04 Thread David M. Carney
Ooops. I got interrupted and forgot the script in my last post. Here it is: # SpamAssassin sample procmailrc # # Pipe the mail through spamassassin (replace 'spamassassin' with 'spamc' # if you use the spamc/spamd combination) # # The condition line ensures that only messages smaller than 250 kB #

[SAtalk] Does it Work?

2003-10-04 Thread David M. Carney
Hello all. I just installed spamassassin. I used the sample ~/.procmailrc file. I see the lines spamassassin adds to each received email header. Si I thought I'd give it a little test and turn off the spam filters on one of the pop3 servers I use to get my email. This server usually gets a medio

Re: [SAtalk] solaris 64 bit perl

2003-10-04 Thread Carl R. Friend
Adam Denenberg asks: > Does anybody have any comments or feedback on using SA with perl 5.8 > on solaris 9 running 64 bit? Or maybe 2.8 running perl 64 bit? I've got SA (2.60) running on a Sun Ultra-1, in 64-bit mode on Solaris 2.8, and don't see any problems. The Perl version I'm usin

[SAtalk] Bayes problems and expiring

2003-10-04 Thread Kai Risku
I am currently running SpamAssassin 2.60 and I did migrate the bayes database from 2.55 according to the instructions. However, I still have problems with SA getting timeouts while using the Bayes database, and someone else had earlier concluded that the Bayes checks get really slow when there are

Re: [SAtalk] SA 2.60 - uninitialized value

2003-10-04 Thread Matthias Fuhrmann
On Sun, 28 Sep 2003, Matthias Fuhrmann wrote: Hi, its me again, with the same problem, thnx Malte for answering. well, i was able to "fix" the problem, but not at all, as i've seen after playing with it again. i still get those strange error messages, as i told u about the other day: > [...] >

[SAtalk] Upgrading from 2.53 to 2.60

2003-10-04 Thread Yusuf Goolamabbas
Hi, I want to upgrade from SA 2.53 to 2.60. It's very likely that some rules may have been added/deleted. I have modified some scores in my local.cf What happens if rules corresponding to the modified scores no longer exist in SA 2.60 ? If I am not using Bayes, any gotchas in upgrading from 2.53

Re: [SAtalk] incorrect info in X-Spam-Level header

2003-10-04 Thread Patrick Morris
Looks like you're probably scanning the message twice. Jay Pfaffman wrote: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.60 (1.212-2003-09-23-exp) on learn.coe.utk.edu X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, hits=4.0 required=5.0 tests=CLICK_BELOW,FRONTPAGE, HTML_MESSAGE,SAVE_ON_INSURANCE autolearn=no

Re: [SAtalk] incorrect info in X-Spam-Level header

2003-10-04 Thread Jay Pfaffman
On Sat, 4 Oct 2003 11:40:56 -0400, Theo Van Dinter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: > On Sat, Oct 04, 2003 at 10:27:12AM -0500, Jay Pfaffman wrote: >> Have I done something stupid? I'm confused. > You're scanning the message twice. The first time rewrites the body as spam, > the second time just rewri

Re: [SAtalk] incorrect info in X-Spam-Level header

2003-10-04 Thread Theo Van Dinter
On Sat, Oct 04, 2003 at 10:27:12AM -0500, Jay Pfaffman wrote: > Have I done something stupid? I'm confused. You're scanning the message twice. The first time rewrites the body as spam, the second time just rewrites the header as non-spam. -- Randomly Generated Tagline: Psychotics are consisten

[SAtalk] incorrect info in X-Spam-Level header

2003-10-04 Thread Jay Pfaffman
I'm running postfix, spamd & Spamassassin 2.60. I keep getting messages that should have been filtered by procmail in my mailbox. It seems that the X-Spam-Status header that I'm using to filter doesn't match what Spamassassing really thinks. Have I done something stupid? I'm confused. Look: X

Re: [SAtalk] How customizable is white/black listing via user_pref ?

2003-10-04 Thread Matt Kettler
At 09:53 PM 10/3/03 +0200, Malte Gell wrote: So I'm looking for a way to use the Message ID, List-ID or X-Mailing-List header entries to whitelist such messages, how can this be achieved? Reall,y custom rules are the only way to do this, however, if the list server has a reverse DNS entry next to

[SAtalk] Re: debugging spamd

2003-10-04 Thread Malte S. Stretz
On Friday 03 October 2003 22:36 CET David Parr wrote: > Okay, figured it out. It's the ORBS RBL. It wasn't > responding. Once I removed it, things went very quick > again. You should really upgrade. ORBS was removed in 2.60 (IIRC already in 2.55). Cheers, Malte -- [SGT] Simon G. Tatham: "How to

Re: [SAtalk] Scanning separately by size

2003-10-04 Thread David B Funk
On Thu, 2 Oct 2003, Sean McCrohan wrote: > Presently, because of limited system resources, I've set a very conservative > max-scan-size for spamc - I don't want to burden the system with grinding > through those large files. However, this generally means that large messages > come straight through

Re: [SAtalk] Highest Score

2003-10-04 Thread Abigail Marshall
Hello Mike, Friday, October 3, 2003, 5:36:27 AM, you wrote: MC> Out of curiosity, what is the highest scoring anyone has seen SA give a MC> message? I had one come through at 37.54 the other day. I regularly see messages over 40 - for example, yesterday's log shows: Subject: [Spam Score: 42.40