Adam Denenberg asks:

> Does anybody have any comments or feedback on using SA with perl 5.8
> on solaris  9 running 64 bit?  Or maybe 2.8 running perl 64 bit?  
   I've got SA (2.60) running on a Sun Ultra-1, in 64-bit mode on
Solaris 2.8, and don't see any problems.  The Perl version I'm using
is compiled to make use of 64-bit integers, but not "maximal 64-bit
support".  I run spamd and MySQL on the machine and things seem to
work just swimmingly.

> Just seeing if anybody has any issues running perl in 64 bit mode on
> solaris.

   I can report no "issues" from this remote outpost.

| Carl Richard Friend (UNIX Sysadmin)            | West Boylston       |
| Minicomputer Collector / Enthusiast            | Massachusetts, USA  |
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