On Friday, 13 December 2019 7:01:48 AM PST Christopher Benjamin Coffey wrote:
> Maybe because that setting is just not included in the default list of
> settings shown? That is counterintuitive to this in the man page for
> sacctmgr:
> show []
> Display information about the spec
Hey Chris,
Thanks! Ya, my qos name is billybob for testing. I believe I was setting it
right, but not able to confirm it correctly.
sacctmgr update qos name=billybob set maxjobsaccrueperuser=8 -i
[ddd@radar ~ ]$ sacctmgr show qos where name=billybob
Hi Chris,
On 12/12/19 3:16 pm, Christopher Benjamin Coffey wrote:
What am I missing?
It's just a setting on the QOS, not the user:
csamuel@cori01:~> sacctmgr show qos where name=regular_1
So any user in that QOS c
Hmm, after trying this out I'm confused. I don't see the limit placed on the
qos. Infact, I see that the qos header is missing some other options that are
available in the man page. Maybe I'm missing an option that enables some of the
[ddd@siris /home/ddd]$ sacctmgr update qos name=bil
Ahh hah! Thanks Killian!
Christopher Coffey
High-Performance Computing
Northern Arizona University
On 12/12/19, 3:03 PM, "slurm-users on behalf of Kilian Cavalotti"
Hi Chris,
On Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 10:47 AM Christopher Benjamin Coffey
Hi Chris,
On Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 10:47 AM Christopher Benjamin Coffey
> I believe I heard recently that you could limit the number of users jobs that
> accrue age priority points. Yet, I cannot find this option in the man pages.
> Anyone have an idea? Thank you!
It's the *JobsAccrue*
I believe I heard recently that you could limit the number of users jobs that
accrue age priority points. Yet, I cannot find this option in the man pages.
Anyone have an idea? Thank you!
Christopher Coffey
High-Performance Computing
Northern Arizona University