Hey Chris, Thanks! Ya, my qos name is billybob for testing. I believe I was setting it right, but not able to confirm it correctly.
sacctmgr update qos name=billybob set maxjobsaccrueperuser=8 -i [ddd@radar ~ ]$ sacctmgr show qos where name=billybob format=MaxJobsAccruePerUser MaxJobsAccruePU --------------- 8 I guess it's getting set right, but I wonder why its not shown by: [ddd@radar ~ ]$ sacctmgr show qos where name=billybob Name Priority GraceTime Preempt PreemptExemptTime PreemptMode Flags UsageThres UsageFactor GrpTRES GrpTRESMins GrpTRESRunMin GrpJobs GrpSubmit GrpWall MaxTRES MaxTRESPerNode MaxTRESMins MaxWall MaxTRESPU MaxJobsPU MaxSubmitPU MaxTRESPA MaxJobsPA MaxSubmitPA MinTRES ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------- ----------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------- --------- ----------- ------------- -------------- ------------- ----------- ------------- --------- ----------- ------------- --------- ----------- ------------- billybob 0 00:00:00 explorato+ cluster 1.000000 [ddd@radar ~ ]$ sacctmgr show qos where name=billybob format=maxjobsaccrueperuser MaxJobsAccruePU --------------- 8 Maybe because that setting is just not included in the default list of settings shown? That is counterintuitive to this in the man page for sacctmgr: show <ENTITY> [<SPECS>] Display information about the specified entity. By default, all entries are displayed, you can narrow results by specifying SPECS in your query. Identical to the list command. Thoughts? Thanks! Best, Chris -- Christopher Coffey High-Performance Computing Northern Arizona University 928-523-1167 On 12/12/19, 10:46 PM, "slurm-users on behalf of Chris Samuel" <slurm-users-boun...@lists.schedmd.com on behalf of ch...@csamuel.org> wrote: Hi Chris, On 12/12/19 3:16 pm, Christopher Benjamin Coffey wrote: > What am I missing? It's just a setting on the QOS, not the user: csamuel@cori01:~> sacctmgr show qos where name=regular_1 format=MaxJobsAccruePerUser MaxJobsAccruePU --------------- 2 So any user in that QOS can only have 2 jobs ageing at any one time. All the best, Chris -- Chris Samuel : https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.csamuel.org%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cchris.coffey%40nau.edu%7C70ddcd0c108d49a5daba08d77f8fcccb%7C27d49e9f89e14aa099a3d35b57b2ba03%7C0%7C0%7C637118127915006547&sdata=KXW%2B4pHkgymQLBLLbv2PK7bk0Nb0rGOBTd9nvwQR9mU%3D&reserved=0 : Berkeley, CA, USA