On Sunday 22 October 2006 12:22, Raphael Neider wrote:
> Probably gplink tries to map code sections to banks, which fails for
> your code. If you went and split yout file into smaller pieces, gplink
> could fill up the banks with code from different sections.
> !!! Beware, splitting your code will
On Sunday 22 October 2006 12:34, Raphael Neider wrote:
>Got another idea: Your project total might exceed the 8k assumed by
> gplink. So you might want to patch the linker script, adding two more
> CODEBANKs to fully use your device. IFF this turns out to be a bug in
>the linker scripts, you shoul
> Your message is about code_autothermal, which is the segment containing
> all code (plus strings) from autothermal.c, so your autothermal.c is too
> large.
> Background: According to gplink's 16f877.lkr, the 16f877 has four banks
> for code, (nearly) each 0x800 bytes, equalling 2k---which is wro
Hi Pete,
> > I think your problem may be to have a big variable, in the compiler
> > model you can't have variables that use more than 256 bytes and this
> > counts for arrays, for example you can't have:
> Nope, the largest is a buffer of 16 unsigned chars.
> I seem not to be using much
On Saturday 21 October 2006 22:04, Olgierd Eysymontt wrote:
> Hi Pete,
> I think your problem may be to have a big variable, in the compiler
> model you can't have variables that use more than 256 bytes and this
> counts for arrays, for example you can't have:
Nope, the largest is a buffer