On Sunday 22 October 2006 12:34, Raphael Neider wrote:

>Got another idea: Your project total might exceed the 8k assumed by
> gplink. So you might want to patch the linker script, adding two more
> CODEBANKs to fully use your device. IFF this turns out to be a bug in
>the linker scripts, you should also file a bug report with gputils...

Looking at the relevent bit of the linker script 16f877.lkr and cross 
checking with the 16f877 data sheet it already includes all four codepages 
(gplink-0.13.3 alpha):

CODEPAGE   NAME=vectors  START=0x0      END=0x4      PROTECTED
CODEPAGE   NAME=page0    START=0x5      END=0x7FF
CODEPAGE   NAME=page1    START=0x800    END=0xFFF
CODEPAGE   NAME=page2    START=0x1000   END=0x17FF
CODEPAGE   NAME=page3    START=0x1800   END=0x1FFF
CODEPAGE   NAME=.idlocs  START=0x2000   END=0x2003   PROTECTED
CODEPAGE   NAME=.config  START=0x2007   END=0x2007   PROTECTED
CODEPAGE   NAME=eedata   START=0x2100   END=0x21FF   PROTECTED

So, unless I am wrong (frequently with PIC stuff) that is not the problem.  
Not tried the other trick yet.


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