Le lundi 21 F=E9vrier 2005 22:05, Julien BLACHE a =E9crit=A0:
> Gerhard Jaeger wrote:
> Hi,
> >> I'm going to play with this next week, and this will probably make it
> >> into the next revision of the Debian package, and to the CVS :)
> >
> > Hmmm, go ahead, but it should remain somewhat comp
Le Wednesday 23 February 2005 15:08, gazel joel a =E9crit=A0:
je rel=E8ve deux erreurs dans le champs sujet de mon pr=E9c=E9dent mail
- unsubscriibe alors qu'il faut lire unsugscribe avec un seul i
- 11197 alors qu'il faut lire 111976
deux erreurs de frappe dont je vous prie de bi
Le Friday 25 February 2005 17:39, Johannes Meixner a =E9crit=A0:
> Hello,
> On Feb 25 09:52 m. allan noah wrote (shortened):
> > i think we want to hide the config file concept from the user
> > if possible, rather than require someone to change the perms.
> It is not required to change any per