Le Friday 25 February 2005 17:39, Johannes Meixner a =E9crit=A0:
> Hello,
> On Feb 25 09:52 m. allan noah wrote (shortened):
> > i think we want to hide the config file concept from the user
> > if possible, rather than require someone to change the perms.
> It is not required to change any permission.
> The default that only root can write to <backend>.conf is
> perfectly o.k. but when root likes, he can change the
> permissions for <backend>.conf so that a group of normal users
> or all normal users get write permission.
> Oliver's proposal hides the file concept perfectly from the user
> because the user uses only the frontend.
> > i personally am very much in favor of per-scanner config files
> > anyway, rather than per-backend,
> According to Oliver's proposal it is the backend (and as far as I
> understand it is only the backend) which writes into <backend>.conf.
> So each backend can handle its config file(s) as the backend author
> likes:
> One backend may have the configs for several scanners in one
> <backend>.conf and another backend may have <backend>.conf as
> default and <backend>.<model1>.conf, <backend>.<model2>.conf, ...
> > what if sane provided these config options for every user, and
> > stored them in .sane/ in their homedir.
> Please keep the different kind of "configs" seperated:
> What I have in mind when I use the word "config" are settings which
> should not be changed by a normal user during daily usage
> but only by the admin during configuration of the scanner.
> I.e. critical settings which must be set correctly because
> otherwise the scanner would not work (e.g. firmware file location)
> or may be damaged (e.g. maximum values of the scan area).
> What you are talking about is to store user preferences.
> A normal user likes to store often used sets of various parameters
> under convenient names like "text", "color", "photo", ...
> so that he can easily switch between them.
> Kind Regards
> Johannes Meixner
> --
> SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstrasse 5 Mail: jsm...@suse.de
> 90409 Nuernberg, Germany WWW: http://www.suse.de/