[sane-devel] problems with genesys and MD6228

2008-05-19 Thread Werner Holtfreter
*low* resolution and black/white for low data rate, then the scanner head starts to shake and does not move properly! All things are independent from the front-end and I have done tests with Kooka, Xsane and Xscanimage. Any ideas? -- Viele Gr??e Werner Holtfreter

[sane-devel] problems with genesys and MD6228

2008-05-19 Thread Werner Holtfreter
you for the completly commands. The tar.gz.file is coming separat. Other interested person welcome, please send a e-mail. > ??BTW, is your model really a MD6228 ? Yes, this is the number on the type label. -- Viele Gr??e Werner Holtfreter

[sane-devel] problems with genesys and MD6228

2008-06-03 Thread Werner Holtfreter
happening ? Do you mean I should test with my old Sane version or with the new CVS? -- Viele Gr??e Werner Holtfreter

[sane-devel] problems with genesys and MD6228

2008-06-04 Thread Werner Holtfreter
gt; > > Do you mean I should test with my old Sane version or with the > > new CVS? > > If the new CVS doesn't work, then please send me the log done > with the newer version. Sorry, Stef, I'm a stupid Suse10.3 user and install normally only rpm. I'm still working with sane-backends1.0.19-0-pm.2 genesys. If I should install a new CVS, then I would need instruction. -- Viele Gr??e Werner Holtfreter

[sane-devel] problems with genesys and MD6228

2008-06-06 Thread Werner Holtfreter
it [genesys] sane_open: start (devicename = `genesys') lt-scanimage: open of device genesys failed: Invalid argument [genesys] sane_exit: start [genesys] sane_exit: exit -- Viele Gr??e Werner Holtfreter

[sane-devel] problems with genesys and MD6228

2008-06-07 Thread Werner Holtfreter
ub. The same /other/ warnings are printed, but *usb* works! "Only" the scanner don't move the head. scan.log is very large, I send it not in the e-mail-list but direct. -- Viele Gr??e Werner Holtfreter

[sane-devel] problems with genesys and MD6228

2008-06-10 Thread Werner Holtfreter
s to shake and does not move properly. Sometimes means about 30 %. (Log comes direct to you.) -- Viele Gr??e Werner Holtfreter

[sane-devel] problems with genesys and MD6228

2008-06-10 Thread Werner Holtfreter
_DEVICE_CLASS is not set # CONFIG_USB_DYNAMIC_MINORS is not set # CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND is not set <- # CONFIG_USB_OTG is not set . . . I'm not sure that it is, what you searching. I use: Suse10.3 By the way: I've seen the same problem (scanner head starts to shake) on a Window-PC. (My scanner was earlier on a other PC.) -- Viele Gr??e Werner Holtfreter

[sane-devel] problems with genesys and MD6228

2008-06-13 Thread Werner Holtfreter
h the usb sniffer available at > http://www.pcausa.com/Utilities/UsbSnoop/default.htm . Then send > me the log file of a 100 pdi scan so that I check that your > scanner has really the same hardware than mine. The scanner works on windows. I sent the UsbSnoop.log direct to you. -- Viele Gr??e Werner Holtfreter

[sane-devel] problems with genesys and MD6228

2008-06-15 Thread Werner Holtfreter
ts with UsbSnoop: 1 all from plug in 2 prescan and scann 3 only scann, 100 dpi, gray, full A4. Odd, the snoop-log grew while the mouse was moving, but not while the scanning! Of course, the marker "installed" was set only on the line "USB scanner". (Files direct to you.) -- Viele Gr??e Werner Holtfreter

[sane-devel] problems with genesys and MD6228

2008-06-22 Thread Werner Holtfreter
n the UsbSnoop-window, but only 1 was connected. Also, I have made a log with each device. Both works, 100 dpi, A4. I hope it helps. Files are coming direct. -- Viele Gr??e Werner Holtfreter

[sane-devel] problems with genesys and MD6228

2008-09-26 Thread Werner Holtfreter
to shake and does not move properly! The old problem. -- Viele Gr??e Werner Holtfreter

[sane-devel] problems with genesys and MD6228

2008-11-18 Thread Werner Holtfreter
Am Dienstag, 2008-08-26 20:45:01 schrieb stef: > Le Wednesday 16 July 2008 16:39:18 Werner Holtfreter, vous avez ?crit?: > > Am Montag, 30. Juni 2008 06:53:34 schrieb stef: > > > the only difference I could spot is slightly different > > > motor acceleration ta

[sane-devel] problems with genesys and MD6228

2008-07-16 Thread Werner Holtfreter
ening. Done! I hit CTRL-C in the first second after bad motor noise, but the noise ended after 1/2 min and the prompt is back also after 1/2 min. Therefore, in the next test, I made a copy in the bad moment: cp scan.log scan.copy then, I hit CTRL-C. I send both files direct to you. -- Viele Gr??e Werner Holtfreter

[sane-devel] Scan as pdf gives only blank page

2009-05-04 Thread Werner Holtfreter
.995 is broken also in Suse11.0. My result was readable only in some pdf-readers, in others not. Today, I updated to xsane0.996 and can *not* reproduce this problem. You should test with xsane0.996. -- Viele Gr??e Werner Holtfreter

[sane-devel] Scan as pdf gives only blank page

2009-05-04 Thread Werner Holtfreter
In other case: Which switch on xsane make a multipage-pdf? Is the frontend topic in this mailing list? -- Viele Gr??e Werner Holtfreter

[sane-devel] installing scanner on ubuntu

2010-02-28 Thread Werner Holtfreter
Am Freitag, 2010-02-12 03:55:01 schrieb Robert Ancell: > There is an easier way... > > I've made a PPA containing the latest GIT version of the SANE > backends: > https://edge.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/+archive/sane-backends Hi Robert, thank you for your great service, it works fine and is a

[sane-devel] unsubsrcibe

2010-01-04 Thread Werner Holtfreter
h.debian.org -- Viele Gr??e Werner Holtfreter

[sane-devel] Blank threshold adjustable?

2011-02-15 Thread Werner Holtfreter
greater a compressed file.) gscan2pdf --> Preferences --> Blank threshold did not make a difference. I need help to adjust the white level. -- Viele Gr??e Werner Holtfreter

[sane-devel] Blank threshold adjustable?

2011-02-15 Thread Werner Holtfreter
he job in one step... -- Viele Gr??e Werner Holtfreter

[sane-devel] [OT?] discussion of front ends?

2011-07-14 Thread Werner Holtfreter
r color scan in such cases - I don't know why: http://openlibrary.org/books/OL24347298M/Muhammedanisches_Recht_nach_Schafiitischer_Lehre -- Viele Gr??e Werner Holtfreter

[sane-devel] Left paper side lost on genesys and MD6228

2011-07-15 Thread Werner Holtfreter
scanned. Please give me detailed instruction to collect all needed info. -- Viele Gr??e Werner Holtfreter

[sane-devel] Left paper side lost on genesys and MD6228

2011-07-15 Thread Werner Holtfreter
Hello Stef, 2011-07-15 12:35:43 schrieben Sie: > I have re-tuned MD5345/6228 scan area. > With latest source code version the bug is now fixed. Thank you very much! That is really high speed debugging! (I will enjoy it after distribution in Robert Ancell's ppa.) -- Viele G

[sane-devel] Left paper side lost on genesys and MD6228

2011-11-25 Thread Werner Holtfreter
2011-07-15 13:41 wrote Werner Holtfreter: > 2011-07-15 12:35 wrote Stef: > > > I have re-tuned MD5345/6228 scan area. > > With latest source code version the bug is now fixed. > > Thank you very much! That is really high speed debugging! > > (I will enjoy i

[sane-devel] Left paper side lost on genesys and MD6228

2011-12-30 Thread Werner Holtfreter
2011-07-15 13:41 wrote Werner Holtfreter: > 2011-07-15 12:35 wrote Stef: > > > I have re-tuned MD5345/6228 scan area. > > With latest source code version the bug is now fixed. > > Thank you very much! That is really high speed debugging! > > (I will enjoy i

[sane-devel] Scanbd installation with an Canon MX700

2012-12-21 Thread Werner Holtfreter
en-an-einem-canon-mx700-nutzen.html Great! Thank you. But you should not write "Scannertasen" in the headline :-) -- Viele Gr??e Werner Holtfreter