Mogens Jaeger wrote:
> Hello
> When I in emacs runs the 'Validate' command, on the sane-backends da.po
> file, I get the folloving error:
> cd ~/Oversaettelse/Sane-backends-1.0.15/
> msgfmt --statistics -c -v -o /dev/null
> /home/mogens/Oversaettelse/Sane-backends-1.0.15/sane-backends.da.po
The scanner seems to respond well at first and then it fails when the driver
request the image data. It's possible the pkt passed to windows is invalid.
Is your windows scsi driver up-to-date?
The current logs are not enough to understand what's happening. Could you make
new trace with SANE_
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This patch removes the const from the name strings in SANE_Device.
I didn't commit it because it might breaks stuff. However
> Wouldn't that better fit to sanei_backend.h? I think we shouldn't
> export such "helper" macros to all the frontends.
Yes, of course. I'll fix that right away.
Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sat, Nov 13, 2004 at 01:28:16PM -0600, Frank Zago wrote:
>>This patch removes the const from the name strings in SANE_Device.
>>I didn't commit it because it might breaks stuff.
> Be careful. SANE-Device
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This patch makes umax_pp recognize the amd64 cpus.
Content-Type: text/plain;
Dieter Jurzitza wrote:
> Dear Frank,
> thank you for your fast reply. Here you go with a new file scan.log. What
> makes me wonder is the fact that sane tries to open /dev/scanner and is alway
> saying this interface does not exist - what is right, indeed.
> I tried to start scanimage with
> scan
Oliver Rauch wrote:
> Am Sam, 2004-11-13 um 21.26 schrieb Frank Zago:
>>>I guess the idea was that the strings shouldn't be changed after the
>>>SANE-Device pointer is returned to the frontend.
>>Thsi behaviour should be made clear in the doc. T
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> The SANE
Frank Zago wrote:
>> The SANE standard defines the comunication between frontend and backen=
>> It does not define any structs that shall be internally used by the
>> frontend or backend.
>> I think the clean appoach is that the backend handl
Mattias Ellert wrote:
> Frank Zago wrote:
>> SO? Is anyone for or against this patch?
> This patch introduces SANE backend internal definitions in the public
> sane.h header. Backend internal definitions should be in the sanei_*.h
> headers.
> If you
Oliver Rauch wrote:
> Am Mit, 2004-11-17 um 20.58 schrieb
>>>Hello Frank.
>>>I am not a fan of this patch.
>>>I think it will work but I think it is a hack.
>>>It seems that only a few backends have problems with this.
>>A few backend are creating the name of the
Your scanner doesn't seem to be supported.
Jens Gulden wrote:
> Brad Barnett schrieb:
>> Does anyone have any suggestions for a well supported ADF scanner, under
>> Linux? The SANE support list doesn't specify such things in the summary,
>> which makes it more difficult to pick a good one..
>> Any tales of success and words of won
Hi Fred,
Good job.
I have a few remarks about the the code:
- option are prefixed by LXK_ (eg LXK_OPT_SCAN_SIZE). Backends usually
don't use a prefix.
- size_list[] doesn't have A4 and other standard formats. You can get
some values at
- in sane_sta
Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:
>On Sat, Oct 01, 2005 at 10:52:51PM +0200, wrote:
>>This code is in dire need of de-windowsification. Eg this kind of non
>>portable code:
>> typedef unsigned long UINT, DWORD, *LPDWORD;
>Unfortunately you are right. The code has
Hi David,
There a link for that on the sane documentation page:
To acces your scanner from windows, check SaneTwain.
David Hostetler wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I have he
Sharpe, Richard wrote:
> Hi
> I was wondering if anyone has gotten the Visioneer 8100 USB scanner
> to work using SANE ? I have attempted but failed on all attempts. If
> some can point me in the right direction or knows of a solution I would
> appreciate it very much.
> Thanks
I'm not an OSX user, but it seems this (sick pice of) code needs to be compiled
with a C++ compiler, or at least a C compiler with non-standard extensions.
You can try
CC=g++ ./configure
and recompile.
David Alan Hjelle wrote:
> Hello.
> I've been trying to get my Microtek SlimScan
mebody googles and finds this email...
>> >
>> > Meanwhile: Anyone here need help coding or reviewing his code?
>> >
>> > -- ralph
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> Hello Ralph,
>> I am the ma
> 6. Common debugging bitmask:
> 1 major errors
> 2 minor errors
> 4 function start/stop msgs
> 8 function detail msg
> 16 SANE_OPTION processing msgs
> 32 calibration msgs
> 64 outgoing command dump
> 128 incoming data dump
> help me fix that...
Should these need to be bitmasks ? I think
> 6. Common debugging bitmask:
> 1 major errors
> 2 minor errors
> 4 function start/stop msgs
> 8 function detail msg
> 16 SANE_OPTION processing msgs
> 32 calibration msgs
> 64 outgoing command dump
> 128 incoming data dump
> help me fix that...
Should these need to be bitmasks ? I think
Hello Andrej,
Ralph sent me his code in April but went silent since then. I've
attached what he send me, so you (or someone else) can start from there.
-- next part --
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: teco3.tgz
Type: application/x-compressed
>+#if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN)
> for (p = buf; p < buf + nread; p++)
> {
> b = *p;
> *p++ = *(p + 1);
> *p = b;
> }
> }
Why not use htons() which should be a little more efficient?
Hello Daniel,
As indicated by the trace you provided, the crash happenned at line 4017
in microtek.c:
s->max_scsi_lines = SCSI_BUFF_SIZE / (s->pixel_bpl + s->header_bpl);
So this is a division by 0. Which probably means that both s->pixel_bpl
and s->header_bpl are 0.
Looking at the other tra
Daniel Bauer wrote:
>Am Sonntag, 16. April 2006 16:17 schrieb Frank Zago:
>>You should then be able to do the same (failing) test again and get the
>>same results.
>not exactly, the differences are:
>- the scanner is not detec
Daniel Bauer wrote:
>Am Sonntag, 16. April 2006 13:11 schrieb Frank Zago:
>>Hello Daniel,
>Hi Frank
>thanks for looking at my problem!
>>As indicated by the trace you provided, the crash happenned at line 4017
Alessandro Zummo wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Dec 2006 15:02:19 +0100
> Jochen Eisinger wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Alessandro Zummo wrote:
>>> I'd appreciate if everyone who is interested can reply
>>> with their own commitments for the 2007.. ehm.. sane2 :)
>> I'm quite surprised to h
Alessandro Zummo wrote:
> Hello developers,
>since there seems to be interest in developing sane2, I've decided
> to start this thread in order to collect the commitment of each developer.
> I'm willing to port the epson driver to sane2, help porting the
> coolscan driver and handle the
Alessandro Zummo wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Dec 2006 19:33:51 +0100
> Frank Zago wrote:
>>> some people has committed the time necessary to
>>> port to sane2 the first bunch of drivers.
>>> we are currently missing coders for
Hello Alessandro Zummo,
> Hello sane developers,
> Some weeks ago I introduced (once again) the discussion
> about SANE future. Now is time to take action.
> The situation is that we have coders willing to implement
> the SANE2 standard (whatever this will be) for a bunch of backends
Julien BLACHE a ?crit :
> "Jeff Breidenbach" wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been told about a standalone driver for some Panasonic high-speed
> scanners, see details at the URL below:
>> Can you make sure the SANE team is aware of this Panasonic
>> KV-SS905C SCSI driver? Thanks.
>> ht
Julien BLACHE a ?crit :
> Frank Zago wrote:
> Hi,
>> I looked at the code. It a basic scsi scanner driver. It should take a
>> couple hours work to make a backend, starting from the existing
>> matsushita driver.
>> The only
Julien BLACHE a ?crit :
> Frank Zago wrote:
> Hi,
>>> Apache 2.0, indeed, the license sucks big time ...
>> If someone wants to do the work, may be he can get Google to relicense
>> the code.
> It
jazz_johnson at a ?crit :
> On Tuesday 20 November 2007, Mattias Ellert wrote:
>> 20 nov 2007 kl. 12.32 skrev Volker Grabsch:
>>> On Mon, Nov 19, 2007 at 11:36:20AM -0500, m. allan noah wrote:
ok, lets start by saying that lots of other sane backends produce
> If you think
> you already did this, then you have two versions of Sane (or at
> least of the config files) installed. The fact that you think you
> commented out the v4l entry also suggests this: If this were the
> case, you would not see the v4l entries in your log.
> Please check that
Dave Close wrote:
> I noticed recently that Henning reports the gt68xx backend is reported
> to work with some Lexmark scanners, including the X70 and X73. So I've
> been encouraged to try with the X83 but I don't have it working yet.
> If anyone has already made it work, please let us know.
> A
noah wrote:
> scanners don't work on my system!!!
> i've tried three scanners. two of which were admittedly unsupported, but the
> third of which is supposedly fully supported by sane.
> they were all usb.
> this last one is an epson perfection 640u. here's what happens:
> i plug in the scanner.
noah wrote:
> scanners don't work on my system!!!
> i've tried three scanners. two of which were admittedly unsupported, but the
> third of which is supposedly fully supported by sane.
> they were all usb.
> this last one is an epson perfection 640u. here's what happens:
> i plug in the scanner.
I've been loaned a hp4200c for some time. So I cleaned up the apparently
orphaned backend. Right now the backend does:
- preview
- 75, 150, 300, 600dpi in color mode
- gamma
and that's it! No black&white, no grayscale, no more resolutions.
I'm not going to add more time into it. It d
> Also need to look at the memory leaks and fix up some
> gamma problems. Ho Hum
Hi Steve,
To find the memleaks, you can do that:
- compile only your backend into the static library ("./configure
--enable-static" and edit backend/Makefile)
- use valgrind against scanimage and/or tstback
Hi Sony,
> Today as the Architect of the project I just succeeded in getting the
> management to accept using SANE for our project.
> I have been reading some literature and compiling the RPMs available. I
> have some questions. Pl accept my apologies if this is not the right
> place to ask the
Hi Oliver,
> when the backend defines the resolution as list and not as range
> and the user can NOT select grayscale/lineart then I think it is
> ok to commit it after one other person did take a look at it.
Yes, that's what it's doing. I will submit a patch soon.
> - preview - does meand previ wrote:
> shows 3 entries for the astra
> 2200, SU, both scsi and usb are listed as supported while the U is listed
> as unsupported. does anyone know what the SU and U mean? my astra is
> labeled just 2200 and im not sure if its su
another useless backend:
This new backend supports the Relisys Scorpio/Taurus/Infinity VM3552. It
should also support (with little changes) the VM4552 and the VM6552.
This scanner has also been rebadged as: Piotech Splendeur 3024, Plustek
OpticPro 2400SP, and Trust Imagery 4800 SP+. The Trust Imag
> I don't know, whether the feature freeze also prohibits new .desc files, but
> for the case that it doesn't, could someone please have a look at the
> attached file and maybe add it to CVS?
Since it's a doc file, I've added it. I changed the status to alpha and
commented the manpage entry.
Have you checked
> A little while a go I had a problem accessing my scanner (on my linux-box)
> from my Win98 computer. I had to start the saned deamon in debug mode, it
> did not work in xinetd mode. I was recomended to upgrade form sane 1.0.5 to
> 1.0.7 to se if that fixed my problem
> My problem i still the s
Hi Mathew,
> I have Visioneer 6100 USB scanner and have been trying to get it working. I
> know it works because I was able to use Steven Charlie's e3 patch v 0.4 with
> sane, and it worked fine. Now I wish to get the newer patch to work but am
> having difficulty compiling the drivers and I am as
Could someone review it before I add it to cvs?
(diff against sane-backends 1.0.7)
On Sun, 3 Mar 2002, Steven Ellis wrote:
> Well as notional maintainer/developer of the viceo
> backend I had better get involved here.
> I'd love to get the code properly integrated. For now
> it is a patch to various releases of Sane.
- compile the viceo library in C instead of C+
It compiles on hpux 11, aix 4.3 and 5.1.
> This is probably the shortest list of annotations for a new backend
> until now. Very good!
So the next one will have to be perfect! :)
Thanks for the review,
Frank Zago - Gresham Enterprise Storage -
> No, that's a documentation bug. usb.h is part of libusb so if
> HAVE_USB_H is defined, that means this library is available. There is
> a test in that enables the sm3600 backend if the library
> is found. That's the onl backend that uses this library. All the other
> backends use san
> Yes. Every backend is linked with every library that's needed by at
> least one backend. That's true for e.g. libdl and libjpeg, too. That's
> just a way to make linking simple. To be honest, I don't really
> understand all this shared libs linking, e.g. why libjpeg is linked to
> linsane*.so *an
On Fri, 8 Mar 2002, Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Mar 07, 2002 at 05:03:49PM -0600, Frank Zago wrote:
> > > Yes. Every backend is linked with every library that's needed by at
> > > least one backend. That's true for e.g. libdl and libjpeg,
I've added a new backend for TECO / Relisys scanners.
Currently it only handles the Relisys RELI 2412.
It should also work with the following scanners:
AVEC 2400 (VM3520)
AVEC 2412(VM3520+)
AVEC 4800 (VM4530)
AVEC 4816 (VM4530+)
RELI DS6 (VM3420)
RELI DS15 (VM3440)
> On Tue, Mar 12, 2002 at 11:46:57PM -0600, Frank Zago wrote:
> > I've added a new backend for TECO / Relisys scanners.
> Fascinating, yet another backend. Do you ever sleep? :-)
Sometimes :)
I've a written a set of templates that cut down the time of
development of a n
Hi all,
I've derived scanimage into a test for backend.
Currently it does not much:
- options check (get/set, consistent type/range, ...)
- 2 scans per scan mode (read byte per byte, read random size)
It is not (yet) a replacement for scanimage -T.
They are all related to my teco backend:
- apparently the optical resolution is 300*1200dpi. However if the Y
resolution goes beyond 300, the image is stretched. eg a 300*600 scan will
give an image twice longer than a 300*300 image. Is there a software
algorithm to correct that?
- the twain driv
From: mh
> At the moment, it's tstbackend that needs some bug fixes/improvements :-)
When I wrote it, I read the docs and I had to check how various
backends were working. Some assert are obviously incorrect as some of you
noticed. So do not modify your backend if you think the error is
On Sun, 17 Mar 2002, Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:
> Comments?
Wouldn't it also be interresting to have the list sorted by
manufacters/scanner models than by backends.
Sorting the list by backends is only interresting for developers, not
New version available.
- more tests
- displays warnings and errors instead of coredumping
- fixes
Hi Peter,
Thanks for the testing.
> For the gphoto2 backend, it's complaining that my vendor string isn't
> recognized.
> 1) I can't find anything in the standard that says vendor strings must
>come from a finite list.
> 2) The gphoto2 backend supports cameras from many different vendors.
Thanks for your testing Henning.
> Very interesting. Found some more oddities in my backends.
> For mustek_usb the -l1 test lokks like this:
> warnings: 0 error: 0 checks: 20837
> -l2:
> warnings: 0 error: 0 checks: -553292640
> Overflow somewhere?
Yes. Now it is a long long.
> mustek
> for (*option_num = 0; *option_num <= num_dev_options; (*option_num)++) {
> Shouldn't this be "< num_dev_options"
Fixed. New release uploaded.
Your bug report looks smaller everytime. I take that as a good sign :)
In your pnm backend, in sane_get_parameters, you could return a slightly
Hi Oliver,
> when for Option 0 the name is not defined (opt->name == NULL) then this code
> prints the warning about empty name. e.g. the additional "if (opt->name !=
> NULL)"
> solves the Problem, but then the opt->name != NULL of the check command also
> can be removed:
> if (opt->name != NUL
> That doesn't mean that I don't find bugs but they are located in the
> backends not in tst-backend currently. I'm looking into the net
> backend and wire code currently. Lots of pleasure...
Oh? I though you were only finding bugs in tstbackend :)
> > In your pnm backend, in sane_get_parameters,
There is several scanners like that supported by SANE. That's
at least the Fujitsu, the Bell and Howell (in sane 1.07) and Panasonic
scanners (will be in sane 1.08). Only A few models are supported.
However this kind of scanner starts at about $2000. You can find some
used on ebay.
On Tue,
> tstbackend -d mustek_usb -l1 (recursion = 1)
> TEST: options consistency
> warnings: 0 error: 0 checks: 1379
> tstbackend -d mustek_usb -l1 (recursion = 2)
> TEST: options consistency
> ERROR : cannot get boolean option 12 value (Invalid argument)
> I was getting strange results with the gphoto2 backend, and I've traced
> it to what I think is a bug in tstbackend. Early in the program,
> sane_get_devices() is called and the result is stored in device_list[].
> Then this block is executed:
> if (!devname) {
> if (de
> Looks ok. Are you sure that /var/lock is available everywhere?
It on aix 4&5, but not on hpux 11 or solaris 7.
ces be messing this up?
> jm3 / john manoogian III / /
> ___
> Sane-devel mailing list
Frank Zago - Gresham Enterprise Storage -
> is there anything else that could be suspect in my setup?
Linux hockney 2.4.2-2 #1 Sun Apr 8 20:41:30 EDT 2001 i686 unknown
This kernel scanner driver does not have the support to send the control
messages, which are needed by the UMAX scanner. Either upgrade your
kernel, or upgrade the
> no, sorry, you're looking at the files from BEFORE i upgraded the kernel.
> please see my message to the list, the second one [which you replied to, i
> think]. i am running the 2.4.18 kernel now, with usb support on. see the
> file xsane-run.txt for the xsane run. everything else is the same, ex
> cc: Internal compiler error: program cc1obj got fatal signal 11
Even if it's not a PC nor the linux kernel, the answer might be there:
Jeff Johnson wrote:
> Most of the front ends i have seen so far (XSane, XScanimage, Iscan...)
> Either only have 8 or 16 bit as an option for color depth or have no
> selection at all. I wonder is there anything i need to do in order to
> scan above 16 bit?
> btw: scanner="epson 1650 photo"
Franz Bakan wrote:
> Hi,
> Three minor problems at the moment with CVS-Code:
> 1.
> /* OS/2 needs this */
> # define strncasecmp(a, b, c) strnicmp(a, b, c)
> #endif
> is now missing in config.h
Hi Franz,
I guess I did it. I did a little clean up in a
Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Jun 21, 2002 at 11:29:17AM +0100, Tim Waugh wrote:
>>Is there any good reason not to use (for example) '/dev/usb/scanner0'
>>instead of '/dev/usbscanner0' in the various SANE .conf files?
> Usage seems to vary between distributions, at least
I wonder why genetically people that can't read mess up with scanners.
That's beyond me!
Sylvain Petreolle wrote:
> just read !
> --- a écrit : > please remove me
> from the list
Hi Eelco,
> In short this means that my scsi card is Mustek technology, but the
> scanner technology is not, for that matter. After downloading the latest
> sane-backend sources, which included support for the teco3 by Frank Zago
> my scanner was detected (sane-backends >= 1.0.8 +
James Leigh wrote:
> Please help me. I have some trouble configuring USB scanner.
> When I did sane-find-scanner, it said to me
> scanner.c: open_scanner(0): unable to access minor data
> My new kernel includes 'USB Scanner support' with UHCI
> (I am currently using kernel version 2.2.20)
Hi Henning,
Nice work.
> Maybe the manufacturer list is easier to read if it looks like this?
> Scanners
> Manufacturer name
> links
> comment
> model interface comment backend manpage
> model interface comment backend manpage
> model interface comment backend manpage
Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:
> Hi,
> New example HTML pages:
Some small problems:
- since the ":new" status has disappeared, the help string at the bottom of
the mfg p
> [dll]load: unable to find _sane_m1200up_init
> [dll]load: unable to find _sane_m1200up_exit
> [dll]load: unable to find _sane_m1200up_get_select_fd
> [dll]init: initializing backend 'm1200up'
In you C file, have you defined BACKEND
My teco3 backend is ready for integration. Can someone take a glance at it?
Thanks in advance,
Thanks Henning. The backend is added to CVS. I've also improved the checklist
for the next backend.
Jason Zaphyr wrote:
> Can someone please help to get the Primax USB Colorado 19200 Scanner
> driver into the sane project...
> This is the only crutch keeping me from staying inside Mandrake Linux
> all the time. I hate running back to XP to scan something everytime.
> Please someone
I've seen you already posted that in january. Which patch do you use?
scanner_erik_2.4.17.patch or scanner_2.4.17.patch?
> I have a Visioneer OneTouch 6100, which is supposed to be supported by the
> same backend. I patched kernel 2.4.17 and sane 1.05 as instructed but was
> never ab
Bob Young wrote:
> On Tue, 06 Aug 2002 14:54:59 -0500
> Frank Zago wrote:
>>I've seen you already posted that in january. Which patch do you use?
>> scanner_erik_2.4.17.patch or scanner_2.4.17.patch?
> Yes, it's been a long time. Still h
>, and libieee.a are all located in
> /usr/lib, so I created symlinks to all of them at /usr/local/lib (their
> default location, as specified by
> to no
> avail.
> What else would I need
My teco2 backend is ready for integration. Can someone take a glance at it?
Thanks in advance,
Oliver Rauch wrote:
> "Jaeger, Gerhard" schrieb:
>>On Thursday, 29. August 2002 22:42, Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:
>>> * desc files:
>>>- Make sure, that the manufacturer (and model) names use the same
>>>spelling: - umax, plustek (Genius, KYE-Genius)
>>What shal
Henning, thanks for time.
Henning, thanks for your time.
Could someone review it before I add add it to the cvs tree:
I can reproduce your problem. For some reason if the "quality calibration"
is set, the scanner hangs. If "quality calibration" is not set, it works.
I'll try to find out why.
> In the logfile of the backend I see that the option
> tstbackend is complaining about is not active:
> [microtek2] sane_control_option: option 21; action 1
> [microtek2] sane_control_option: option 21 not active
> Therefore sane_control_option fails with SANE_STATUS_INVAL.
tstbackend, for so
New backend for the Across FS1130 scanner. This is a rebadged LEO, so the
LEO FS1130 should also work.
I'd be interested to hear from anybody who has another LEO scanner (fcc
id starts with LUZ).
Hi Andras,
A few comments:
- most private symbols are exported (functions and variables). You must
declare them as static.
- device_list is never freed. Actually most of the backend is leaking
memory. Overall I don't see the point in allocating every single
structure (for instance option_list co
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