> # can't be detected by this program.
> I can help with tests,
> thanks
- --
Marcus Wellnitz
GPG Fingerprint: 07D4 C8D7 F5FB CC00 EDF1 0FCB DEED 2417 9BF6 4022
Version: GnuPG v1
>>> Please test the used Sane version with 'scanimage -V'. You should see:
>>> scanimage (sane-backends) 1.0.25git; backend version 1.0.25
>>> Please install resent Sane from git (1.0.25). I'd like to patch only the
>>> recent version
the used Sane version with 'scanimage -V'. You should see:
> scanimage (sane-backends) 1.0.25git; backend version 1.0.25
> Please install resent Sane from git (1.0.25). I'd like to patch only the
> recent version, if needed.
> Cheers,
> Rolf
> Am 1
at the website there was a hint "testers needed" for that device.
I try to get it running on a Ubuntu 14.04 environment.
First shot with on board sane version 1.0.14-9 failed.
after downloading an installing 1.0.24 (stable) as well as
sane-backends-git20140913 I had no success.