ion modelString "AstraSlim 1200 SE"
Kai Timmer | Jabber-ID:
PGP-Key ID: 0x69502566 | Blog:
"Information ist schnell. Wahrheit braucht Zeit."
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is doesn't really help :-)
It must be somewere between the version in Debian Woody and Debian Sarge.
What means between 1.0.7 and 1.0.15. Yes i know that this does not make it
better ;-).
Kai Timmer | Jabber-ID:
PGP-Key ID: 0x69502566 | Blog: http
* Kai Timmer [2006-02-17 16:06]:
> Hello,
> i have a problem with my "Umax AstraSlim SE". The scanner only produces
> output like this: any ideas?
Nobody with an idea what i can do? Under Windows the Scanner runs fine.
So it is not ab problem with th
API library for scanners -- utilities
I did not use the scanner for a long time, but i'am sure that it worked
with an older version of sane. I cant remember the exact Version but it
must be around 1.0.xx
Kai Timmer | Jabber-ID:
PGP-Key ID: 0x6