* Henning Meier-Geinitz <henn...@meier-geinitz.de> [2006-02-19 19:06]:
> The artec_eplus48u backend is not maintained for quite some time now
> and there hasn't been significant changes to the code during this time.
> Have you tried to modify the options in the .conf file? Does it happen
> in any mode?
Yes, this happens in any mode and with any resolution. When i change the
Offset Options in the config File the output changes a bit. My Problem
is that i does not realy know what these Options are doing so i can only
go like "try and error" which is not fun.

> > I did not use the scanner for a long time, but i'am sure that it worked
> > with an older version of sane. I cant remember the exact Version but it
> > must be around 1.0.xx
> Trying to find out which version worked may help to find the problem.
> All sane versions are 1.0.xx since 1998 so this doesn't really help :-)

It must be somewere between the version in Debian Woody and Debian Sarge.
What means between 1.0.7 and 1.0.15. Yes i know that this does not make it
better ;-).

Kai Timmer             | Jabber-ID: k...@jabber.ccc.de
PGP-Key ID: 0x69502566 | Blog: http://www.kaitimmer.de
  "Information ist schnell. Wahrheit braucht Zeit."
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From sofian.t...@xuite.net  Mon Feb 20 12:52:40 2006
From: sofian.t...@xuite.net (sofian.t...@xuite.net)
Date: Mon Feb 20 12:51:29 2006
Subject: [sane-devel] Makefile errror in Sane-backend-1.0.15
Message-ID: <c06dd3653dcc.43f9b...@xuite.net>

Dear all developer,
I was trying to write the driver for linux, and I ve got problem when I try to 
make in fedora core 4 , the error message : ../../include/sane/sanei_backend.h: 
error : previous declaration of sane status sane_1000_init(Sane_Int*, 
void(*)(Const SANE_char*.... ) With "C++ linkage". 
1000.cpp line... error: conflicts with new declaration with 'c' linkage.
I already try to solve this error and is not only one , they are many of it. my 
gcc version in fedora core 4 is 4.0.0 and I also  try in different OS to 
compile, when I try to makefile in Redhat 9 with GCC version 3.2.2 theres is no 
error. ???  my question is if my driver won't work in FC 4 ??  because i am 
very new in linux programming, why in Redhat 9 is ok but not in FC4?  Thanks 
for advance.

Best regards, 



§ïÅܨC¤@¤Ñ ±qXuite¶}©l

Best regards,

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From lauri.pirtti...@luukku.com  Mon Feb 20 13:06:56 2006
From: lauri.pirtti...@luukku.com (Lauri Pirttiaho)
Date: Mon Feb 20 13:07:08 2006
Subject: [sane-devel] CanoScan 3200F: brief status update

To all who are eagerly waiting the CS3200F backend.

Not very much has happened since my last report.
The reasons for that are many but one of the most
important is that my original approach was not
robust enough to allow integration of the actual
scanner driver. Therefore I spent about two weeks
in restructuring the backend so that various features
can be modularly added in. Now the structure is such
that the actual API functions do very little else
that forwarding the requests to actual functionality
implementing modules.

So, the structure now is such that the option handling
is taken care of by the options module which statically
contains all option descriptors. When the descriptors
are requested, the returned descriptors are chosen 
based on the state of the particular device. The state
of the device is encapsulated into another module
dedicated for data operations. That contains now
the current state of all options and parameters
for the device and will also contain the device 
specific calibration data. I have not yet decided
how to carry over the semi persistent calibration
data from session to another (maybe there is a
standard way to do this, I have to look at other
drivers how they do it) but at first I won't save
any calibration data.

The actual scaning is done by the scanning module
which takes its parameters from the data module and
uses two layers of drivers to access the scanner: one
layer for logical macro operations like move, home,
calibrate etc. and another for low level USB access
built on top of the sanei_usb library.

So far I have succesfully booted the scanner and 
implemented the lamp control. The next, currently
being worked on, is the motion control and then
I will implement the AFE and shading calibration.
Then the last step will be the actual scanning.
All this will be first implemented for reflective
mode only and then later will come time fo the
transparency adapter (film scanning).

With best regards,

Lauri Pirttiaho

Luukku Plus paketilla p??set eroon tila- ja turvallisuusongelmista.
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