You must set page-width and page-height to the size of the paper, then
you set -t, -l, -x and -y to the area on that paper you wish to scan.
Often the whole thing. The apparent limits on the scan area change
based on the paper size:
scanimage --help
scanimage --page-width 308 --page-height 925
new to mailing lists so I hope I did this correctly.
I am using scanimage. Here is the shell script for it (note that the
Fujitsu 6670 is the only scanner device connected):
scanner=`scanimage --formatted-device-list=%d`
dateVal=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`
mkdir -p /images/$dateVal
touch /images/$dateV
> Yes, it is only a permission problem, but where? We have not
> been able to find the answer to that question!
> Both installs were done from the Fedora-16/64 bit XFCE Live Spin
> [USB flash drive] and will work normally as root.
> Xsane will scan f