>         Yes, it is only a permission problem, but where? We have not
>         been able to find the answer to that question!
>         Both installs were done from the Fedora-16/64 bit XFCE Live Spin
>         [USB flash drive] and will work normally as root.
>         Xsane will scan from user if the computer is booted from the
>         flash drive but not from the same instance installed on the hard
>         drive.
>         The solution is probably simple enough but finding where to fix
>         the permissions is not simple.
>         We have spent a lot of time on this and I have about given up,
>         resigned to only running xsane as root when I need the scanner.
>         If you have any suggestions I will be very happy to try whatever
>         you suggest ...
>         Thank you for your interest,
>         Bob
>         .


        usually your user must be in the 'scanner' group to get access to the 
scanner. If it is the case, you may have to configure udev  to configure 
device 0x04a9:0x1909 as a scanner. Since you can scan and don't have an issue 
with SANE, I guess a fedora forum would give you better guidance.


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