cd sane-backends
apt-get install libusb-dev
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var
make install
-- next part --
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Unfortunately, the author of XSANE is not subscribed to this list.
Please contact him directly to discuss. If that does not work, perhaps
someone here will produce a patch to correct this issue.
On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 1:59 PM, Stephan Maier
> Hello,
> I have been verifying the C
I have been verifying the Color Management in XSANE.
I found a clear discrepancy between the profiling results
achieved with XSANE and the Argyll (www.*argyllcms*.com)
converting routine cctiff. The Argyll profiling results
agree perfectly with the expected values for my target image.
I was
Greetings @ All.
I'm trying to get a CanoScan 3200 Scanner running on some older
Xubuntu-Machine and after a short search found out about some
experimental support by sane:
So i downloaded some sources and
Our experimental tree never got moved to git. It is still on the
alioth cvs server. See this page:
Easiest thing might be to download the snapshot at the bottom of the
page, but it contains old versions of sane-backends and sane-frontends
too. Dont us