Hello, I have been verifying the Color Management in XSANE. I found a clear discrepancy between the profiling results achieved with XSANE and the Argyll (www.*argyllcms*.com) converting routine cctiff. The Argyll profiling results agree perfectly with the expected values for my target image. I was able to reproduce the XSANE results with Argyll's cctiff by using the same rendering intent, i.e. perceptual, for both input profile (XSANE: Scanner default color ICM-profile) and output profile (XSANE: Working color space ICM-profile).
This leads me to believe the Rendering Intent choice in XSANE setup applies to both in input and output profile. This approach is not correct, however. The rendering intent of the input profile, which corrects errors of the scanner, has to be set to "Absolute colorimetric", since all other choices perform a white point correction. XSANE lacks the option to set this rendering intent independently of the rendering intent for the output profile (typically the desired output profile intent is perceptual or relative colorimetric). Stephan Maier