First I have seen that perhaps my question has an answer in AskSagemath but
currently it doesn't answer.
Suppose I have a list of variables x_1, x_2, x_3,...x_n
I have some sub-list of variables say [x_4, x_1, x_6...]. But whenever x_4,
x_5,x_6 belong to this list I want the substitution x_4 ->
That's a python question. See for instance,
If you scroll down, there are some suggestions there that deal with
multiple replacements as well
On Tuesday, 28 December 2021 at 06:09:35 UTC-8 cyrille piatecki wrot
Besides the pure python options pointed above, if your list is filled by
symbolic expressions, you can also turn it into a vector and do the
substitutions straightforwardly.
x = list(var('x', n=10))
ep = list(var('epsilon', n=10))
a random sublist
my_list = [x[randint(0,8)] for _ in r