> An easy way to make the scrollbar appear without narrowing the window
> is to have an error message that you didn't bother to clear. It's
> true that it could be a PPC issue, but just thought I'd throw it out
> there. I did download, and it stills happens, unfortunately,
> so it's not
> Maybe it is PPC issue --- I can't duplicate this on OSX.4/Intel with
> Firefox and indeed I can't even get there to be a horizontal
> scrollbar at the bottom unless I have the window only 100 pixels wide
> or so.
An easy way to make the scrollbar appear without narrowing the window
> I hope sending this works. Should be a picture of wacky behavior. I
> don't know whether this is a PowerPC issue or not, but in the past
> there have been differences, so I wouldn't be surprised.
Maybe it is PPC issue --- I can't duplicate this on OSX.4/Intel with
Firefox and indeed
Hooray, it worked!
On Apr 1, 5:54 pm, "Karl-Dieter Crisman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I hope sending this works. Should be a picture of wacky behavior. I
> don't know whether this is a PowerPC issue or not, but in the past
> there have been differences, so I wouldn't be surprised.
> - kcri