Thanks Dima and Peter
Just to clarify here is sample output for a degree 6 and 8 polynomial:
sage: NumberField(x^6-21*x^4+105*x^2-105, 'alpha').galois_group(type='pari')
Galois group PARI group [48, -1, 11, "2S_4(6) = [2^3]S(3) = 2 wr S(3)"] of
degree 6 of the Number Field in alpha with defining
Hi Steve,
The documentation of PARI's group labelling/naming conventions is here
(there are an "old" and a "new" convention, and Sage uses the new one):
I don't see 2^n S_n mentioned her
On 2014-08-15, s meagher wrote:
> --=_Part_362_1984219158.1408080922405
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Apologies if this is answered elsewhere in this group or in the
> documentation, but I have not found the answer.
> When computing a galois group in sage using type='pari' S