Thanks Dima and Peter

Just to clarify here is sample output for a degree 6 and 8 polynomial:
sage: NumberField(x^6-21*x^4+105*x^2-105, 'alpha').galois_group(type='pari')
Galois group PARI group [48, -1, 11, "2S_4(6) = [2^3]S(3) = 2 wr S(3)"] of 
degree 6 of the Number Field in alpha with defining polynomial x^6 - 21*x^4 
+ 105*x^2 - 105

sage: NumberField(x^8-36*x^6+378*x^4-1260*x^2+945, 
Galois group PARI group [384, -1, 44, "[2^4]S(4)"] of degree 8 of the 
Number Field in alpha with defining polynomial x^8 - 36*x^6 + 378*x^4 - 
1260*x^2 + 945

I think it is quite clear that the wreath product is intended in the degree 
6 case, which appears as "S_4 x C_2 = [48,-1,11]" in the link that Peter 

On Friday, August 15, 2014 7:27:04 PM UTC+10, Peter Bruin wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> The documentation of PARI's group labelling/naming conventions is here 
> (there are an "old" and a "new" convention, and Sage uses the new one):
> I don't see 2^n S_n mentioned here; I guess that is taken from the string 
> returned as the last component by polgalois(), and the documentation agrees 
> with Dima that this is the name of the group in GAP.
> Peter
> Op vrijdag 15 augustus 2014 06:35:22 UTC+1 schreef s meagher:
>> Apologies if this is answered elsewhere in this group or in the 
>> documentation, but I have not found the answer.
>> When computing a galois group in sage using type='pari' Sage gives the 
>> group a name.  I have not been able to find a guide for the nomenclature 
>> used.
>> For example, names like S_3 and D(4) are fairly clear.  But what is 2^3 
>> S_3 and 2^4 S_4 - I presume they are the wreath products (\Z/2)^n . S_n.  
>> Is there a reference?  And am I right about 2^n S_n
>> Thanks
>> Steve

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