Excellent. It should be cross-referenced from the docstring to
complex_embeddings(), real_embeddings() and also possibly
I also notice that places() gives maps to RIF, CIF while
{real,complex}_embeddings give maps to RealField, ComplexField. I
don't have a feel for which is better
> * K.complex_embeddings() gives all the embeddings of K into CC (the
> complex numbers).
> You would need to eliminate one of ecah conjugate pair of embeddings.
> TODO: implement a flag to complex_embeddings() which only gives one of
> each pair.
Actually, this code already exists:
apologies for the late reply.
Thanks for giving the road map of how to tackle that thing in SAGE. I am
very sure if I can do that since I am real newbie to SAGE, but I will
give it a try when I have the time. Maybe during the weekend.
Thank you very much.
Best wishes,
On 03.09.2008
That is a good question.
Sage's number fields get their units and regulator by calling the
corresponding functions in the pari library. As far as I can see the
pari library does not have a function to compute th regulator of an
arbitrary set of units. It would not be hard to implement this in