That is a good question.

Sage's number fields get their units and regulator by calling the
corresponding functions in the pari library.  As far as I can see the
pari library does not have a function to compute th regulator of an
arbitrary set of units.  It would not be hard to implement this in

The ingredients you need are:
 * K.complex_embeddings()  gives all the embeddings of K into CC (the
complex numbers).
You would need to  eliminate one of ecah conjugate pair of embeddings.

TODO: implement a flag to complex_embeddings() which only gives one of
each pair.

* Now just evaluate the embeddings on your units, take logs, construct
the appropriate matrix of those and find its determinant.

* To find the index of your units, divide their regulator by the
field's regulator.

I have skated over some details, like what to do if the number of your
units is different from the unit rank.

Harder TODO:  given any unit and a Z-basis for the units, express your
unit as a Z-linear combination of the generators.

If that was implemented, then the answer to your original question
would be a simple matter of finding the determinant of an integer

These are all things which it would be good to have implemented in
Sage.  Feel free to do so and submit a patch!

John Cremona

2008/9/3 Jannick Asmus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Dear All,
> suppose that K is a number field and U the group of units in the maximal
> order of K. Then the rank r of U, i.e. the rank r of the free group U_f=
> U/Tor(U) (where Tor(U) denotes the group of torsion elements in U) is
> given by Dirichlet's unit theorem. Clearly r is the dimension of the
> Q-vector space U_Q = U (x)_Z Q.
> Sage gives a basis of U_Q (sage: K.units()).
> Now given r units u_1,...,u_r how can it be tested that the u's generate
> U_Q - or are linearly independent over Q?
> If the structure of U_Q was additive, this might not be a problem for
> SAGE as it is a standard problem in linear algebra boiling down to
> calculate a determinant. But how to tackle this problem when the
> structure of the Q-vector space is multiplicative, at least in notation.
> Alternatively we could consider the quotient group U/(u_1,...,u_r) and
> test if it is of finite order.
> Thanks for any help.
> Please do not hesitate to ask for more information if something is
> unclear or needs more information.
> Best wishes,
> J.
> ps: This is my first posting here. Hope that this email will get through
> to the forum.
> >

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