Re: [sage-support] Problem installing on Ubuntu 18.04

2018-10-01 Thread Andy Howell
I  do the following: - cd ~/bin - untar the Ubuntu 16.04 version - rename the ~/bin/SageMath to ~/bin/SageMath-8.3 so that I can have multiple versions if needed. - ln -s ~/bin/SageMath-8.3/sage sage-8.3 - ln -s ~/bin/SageMath-8.3/sage sage # My default version ~/bin is in my path, so I can j

[sage-support] Problem installing on Ubuntu 18.04

2018-10-01 Thread Augustin Lefevre
Hi, I went through other posts with the same title, and tried several different ways to install sage, all without success : 1) with apt : apt-get install sage-jupyter 2) downloading the latest Ubuntu 16 binary : since there are no Ubuntu 18 binary I chose the most recent one, then ran sage. I