I  do the following:

- cd ~/bin
- untar the Ubuntu 16.04 version
- rename the ~/bin/SageMath to ~/bin/SageMath-8.3 so that I can have
multiple versions if needed.
- ln -s ~/bin/SageMath-8.3/sage sage-8.3
- ln -s ~/bin/SageMath-8.3/sage sage     # My default version

~/bin is in my path, so I can just call:



sage -n

The later for the notebook.

I'm running Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS

Hope that helps


On 10/01/2018 02:02 PM, Augustin Lefevre wrote:
> Hi,
> I went through other posts with the same title, and tried several
> different ways to install sage, all without success :
> 1) with apt : apt-get install sage-jupyter
> 2) downloading the latest Ubuntu 16 binary : since there are no Ubuntu
> 18 binary I chose the most recent one, then ran sage.
> In both cases I had the same crash at runtime, with the
> Sage_crash_report attached.
> Does anyone have a clue ?
> Best regards
> Augustin Lefèvre
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