not possible to be reach the high points of sage & mathematica
in one package.
Joel (ex-sage user; now in a parallel industry)
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On Feb 26, 7:35 pm, "Joel B. Mohler" wrote:
> After having been a heavy sage user for several years, I now have
> virtually not touched it for several more years. Returning now on a
> lark, I'm feeling rather confused because I'd think the following
> would obvio
sage: K.=QuadraticField(-1)
sage: ((I+1)*(I+1)).factor()
AttributeErrorTraceback (most recent call
/home/joel/ in ()
AttributeError: 'sage.rings.number_field.number_field_element_qu
function (with formatting codes) now exist somewhere?
sage: !cat thing.csv
"Sam","Smith","Hillbilly Ave"
"Jack","McDonald","Spring St"
sage: import csv
sage: m=csv.reader(open("thing.csv","r"))
On Wednesday 08 October 2008 06:10:16 pm cesarnda wrote:
> but usually they give 5 spaces instead of 4
That's not the "usually" that I experience. But, even if it is what your
editor does, it is almost certainly configurable.
used allows you to select text (as normal)
and press tab and shift-tab to indent or dedent. (This is quite similar to
your gvim method).
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I'm the person that entered the trac ticket and the point of that trac ticket
is precisely the (mis-)functionality you are describing. I'm truly
mystified by the other responses in this thread. To me, this is an obvious
Some relevant trac tickets are:
I believe that might cover all the wrong things in this thread, but if not,
there should probably be more trac tickets.
> >
> > If you where willing to do this, I for one would be very interested and
> > thankful.
> > You might find that generating tons of plots, then doing tweaking, is
> > harder than you think, but is well worth it.
> Joel,
> Are you getting
On Tuesday 01 April 2008 05:20:47 pm Joel B. Mohler wrote:
> On Tuesday 01 April 2008 04:45:16 pm alex clemesha wrote:
> > With respect to the 'goal' of Sage's plotting (follow Mma),
> > I would say this is definitley a bug.
> >
> > People with 'viol
adding code-points -- really quite
grotesque, and, I couldn't believe it was all by accident.)
This is why I think this thread right here is quite ironic -- you all suddenly
seem to be agreeing with me about margins ...
make a
plot (because all the plots I make are destined to live in a latex document
and I want perfect pixel control!).
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sage: R.term_order()
Degree reverse lexicographic term order
sage: x+y
x + y
sage: x^2+1
x^2 + 1
sage: R.=PolynomialRing(QQ,order="deglex")
sage: R.term_order()
Degree lexicographic term order
sage: x+y
x + y
sage: x^2+1
thon you'll need to install them in the sage
python if you want to use them with sage.
I write scripts all the time with a line like:
from sage.all import *
import sage.all
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Dropping the library into /usr/local/lib has done the trick. Thanks
for the help guys, its much appreciated.
On Dec 1, 4:37 am, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 30, 2007 2:22 PM, Justin C. Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> &g
s probably best to run through the build process properly rather
than hacking the tarball. I'll wait for 2.8.15 - the PPC version is
running just fine, though rather slower on a 1.2GHz G4 than I expect
it will on my Xeon Macpro.
Thanks for y
sibly, if the build was only tested on a
case-sensitive disk, this would not show up in testing. Or maybe the
LIB link is unused, so the PowerPC version does OK without it, but in
the Intel version it is causing the untar'ing to fail.
On Nov 29, 11:44 am, mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Installing sage-2.8.13-osx10.4-i386-Darwin.tar.gz fails during
untar'ing, with the error
tar: sage-2.8.13-i386-Darwin/local/LIB: Cannot create symlink to
`lib': File exists
Subsequently running sage ends in all sorts of errors - so the missing
symlink is an issue.
This error occurs on an Intel
files from sage are gigantic (like 20 times larger) compared to similar
output from mathematica and I think the reason is the matplotlib puts a bunch
font information into the file. This is annoying since I'm going to ignore all
that font information anyhow by u
to the diameter properties propogates
This seems like an easy and natural interface. Is it possible in what's
currently coded for plots? I haven't been able to find it. If it's not
currently available, would this be a sane feature request for trac?
for Sage. Apparently there is some overhead in my
> implementation (and some functionality is still missing), but 10^6
> multiplications of the same 4x4 matrix over GF(7) only took 4.3
> seconds of CPU time using the MTX extension type.
Hmm, that's a pretty big improvement
th the constant term first
in increasing order of degree rather than now it prints in decreasing degree
order. Is this customizable? I can't find anything about order in
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vironment. I think it is a strange design, but the
SCons developers are quite dogmatic about it.
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What if I were to substitute 'x=' which is what I actually
wanted to do? This makes sense (mostly) if you simultaneously substitute x &
y with compatibly sized matrices, but it seems a little strange to only
substitute one of them.
e don't have a good idea
about what ring (?) the result '1*y' would be a part of.
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syntax elsewhere in my application (i.e. substituting matrices in for x & y).
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For more options, vi
.c is unchanged between 2.8.2 and
> 2.8.3[.3], but:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Work2]$ diff -urN sage-2.8.2/devel/c_lib/src/stdsage.h
> sage-
> --- sage-2.8.2/devel/c_lib/src/stdsage.h2007-08-24
> 16:27:03.0 +0200
> +++ sage-2.
On Tuesday 14 August 2007 17:58, William Stein wrote:
> Does using the linbox package posted here work?
> Download that and do
>sage -f linbox-20070814.spkg
Yes, that appears to fix my proble
Did you find a solution for this? I got the same error on my gentoo as well.
I see you have later posts which make it appear that you have sage-2.8
On Monday 13 August 2007 11:47, Alex Ghitza wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to compile sage-2.8 and it
'in' operator always coerces stuff to a
boolean. It seems like a useless feature to me and (IMO) is a bug or
mis-feature in python.
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us/ and calculus/ or
something like that.
I suspect that of the N people on this list, there are about 2*N opinions
about what should be automatically defined in the command-line vs. what
should be automatically defined in a python script with "from sage.all
On Wednesday 30 May 2007 14:00, Bobby Moretti wrote:
> > On Wednesday 30 May 2007 12:14, William Stein wrote:
> > > On 5/30/07, Joel B. Mohler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > There is currently no function to clear these,
> > > > > so I j
On Wednesday 30 May 2007 12:14, William Stein wrote:
> On 5/30/07, Joel B. Mohler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > There is currently no function to clear these,
> > > so I just wrote one. The attached patch adds a function clear_vars()
> > > that when
ave perfect spelling in your scripts and are perfectly
anal about getting your variables defined before you use them, this makes no
difference whatsoever, but...
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ee with you that
it's a shame that sage isn't integrated with the python on your system, but I
see the point that SAGE is pushing the envelope on recent versions of programs.
It's the lesser of available evils.
To post
I think a lot of people
underestimate -- 1) there is a very heavy server load for a decent sized
class and 2) coming up with *debugged* question banks is a lot of work.
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s a shame because I think the whole
thing might flop precisely because they are set on that product.
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t maple for not supporting them... At
least it would be easier to code my own with sage.
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For more options, v
Is there a way to
suppress that? After reading the reference manual, I see that I could add a
plot to the left of -1 to a plot to the right of -1. Is there a better way?
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find the plotting architecture to be rather charming --
braindead simple to get an output file to insert into latex (far and away my
most common use case for such things).
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y system. My
belief is that the Real field should simply not have an == operator defined
because it's misleading. I think it should be replaced with a function
"CloseEnough" (or something like that) that takes an epsilon determining
precisely how close is "CloseEnough".
result appears remarkably similar.
sage: CF=CyclotomicField(3)
sage: two=CF(2)
sage: two^(1/3)
sage: me=two^(1/3)
sage: me.parent()
Cyclotomic Field of order 3 and degree 2
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