Thank you Nils for your answer
Le mardi 19 septembre 2017 10:23:07 UTC+2, Yann Cargouet a écrit :
> Hi everybody,
> I would like to factorize a polynomial function of third degree in order
> to obtain the following form:
> (1 + a*s + b*s^2)*(1 + c*s).
> Here my t
Rs*Cc + Rs*Cin
eq2 = c + a*b == Rc*Rl*Cc*Cl + Rc*Rs*Cc*Cin + Rs*Rl*Cc*Cin + Rs*Rl*Cc*Cl +
eq3 = a*c == Rc*Rl*Rs*Cc*Cin*Cl
Here is the result given by SAGE:
sage: []
Why this systen doesn't work ?
Le mardi 19 septembre 2017 10:23:07 U
Here is the text of the expression:
Cc*Cin*Cl*Rc*Rl*Rs*s^3 + Cc*Cl*Rc*Rl*s^2 + Cc*Cin*Rc*Rs*s^2 +
Cc*Cin*Rl*Rs*s^2 + Cc*Cl*Rl*Rs*s^2 + Cin*Cl*Rl*Rs*s^2 + Cc*Rl*Rs*gm*s +
Cc*Rc*s + Cc*Rl*s + Cl*Rl*s + Cc*Rs*s + Cin*Rs*s + 1
Le mardi 19 septembre 2017 10:23:07 UTC+2, Yann Cargouet a écrit
Here is the expression:
Le mardi 19 septembre 2017 10:23:07 UTC+2, Yann Cargouet a écrit :
> Hi everybody,
> I would like to factorize a polynomial function of third degree in order
> to obtain the following form:
> (1 + a*s + b*s^2)*(1 + c*s).
> Here my test
simplication ?
all my variables are defined with the command var('Cc, Cin,...)
Thanks in advance for your answers
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+f1)*annihilator_f1 == 0
Best regards
Le mardi 20 août 2013 20:01:03 UTC+2, Martin Albrecht a écrit :
> Hi Yann,
> I believe you are the original author of this code?
> Cheers,
> Martin
> -- Forwarded Message --
> Subject: [sage-support] Re
>From the doc of .algebrais_immunity :
Returns the algebraic immunity of the Boolean function. This is the
smallest integer i such that there exists a non trivial annihilator
for self or ~self.
The annihilator you get is for ~f1 (or if you prefer 1+f1)
You can check that: (1+f1)*annihil
1, 'a', 'b', 'c', 13, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4]
just as a sidenote, this might make people write this:
L = sum( a list of list, [] )
which is correct but quite inefficient.
Compare the following:
timeit('L = sum([[0] for i in range(1)], [])')
On Oct 24, 3:30 am, vasu wrote:
> Hi all
> Suppose I have an positive integer parameter 't', and a polynomial
> Delta(t) , which is a polynomial in 't' with coefficients being
> integers. Assume we also know that Delta(t) > 0.
> There is another polynomial with integer coefficients , say F(t).
sage: (a+b).minpoly()
x^4 - 12*x^3 + 257/3*x^2 - 298*x + 5503/9
sage: (a*b).minpoly()
x^4 + 7*x^3 + 77/3*x^2 + 196/3*x + 784/9
I hope this helps.
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2-7, c^4-2, al-(a+b*c)])
sage: alpha = QQbar(3^(1/3)+(7^(1/2)*2^(1/4)))
sage: am = alpha.minpoly()(al)
sage: am in I
sage: am
al^12 + (-12)*al^9 + (-294)*al^8 + 54*al^6 + (-14112)*al^5 +
+ (-108)*al^3 + (-26460)*al^2 + (-345744)*al - 94
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On Oct 23, 2:21 pm, Simon King wrote:
> On 23 Okt., 14:15, Yann wrote:
> > this is now ticket #10158
> Thanks!
> Simon
And ready for review...
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this is now ticket #10158
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URL: http
for v in args[0]: entries.extend(v)
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ops, best of 3: 2.81 ms per loop
> sage: M = MS(0)
> sage: for i in range(len(L)): M[i]=L[i]
> :
> sage: M == Matrix(ZZ,L)
> True
> Cheers,
> Simon
In the matrix constructor (matrix in sage/matrix/
entries = sum([list(v) for v in args[0]], [])<
way to get the answer right is the following one, but it's
a bit of cheating...
sage: (M/sqrt(3)).eigenvalues()
[I, 1, -1]
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ot; a given expression :)
> - kcrisman
But wolfram alpha does it well here:
sage: M.charpoly()
x^3 - I*sqrt(3)*x^2 - 3*x + 3*I*sqrt(3)^3+-+I*sqrt%283%29*x^2+-+3*x+%2B+3*I*sqrt%283%29
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sage: sage: expr.simplify_rational()
(or if you have no good guess, you can also try simplify_full)
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For more op
On Sep 27, 5:53 pm, luisfe wrote:
> On Sep 27, 3:34 pm, Johannes wrote:
> > Hi list,
> > is there a way to get a sum of fraction to a common devisor? or even
> > better into a product of a fraction like \frac{1}{something here} and a
> > sum of integers?
> > and my next step would be this, i
he case of function is slightly different and the way I did it you
get a deprecation warning.
I hope this still gives you some insight.
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If I try this, here is what I get:
sage: var('a')
sage: integral(cos(2*x)/(x^2+a^2),x,-Infinity,+Infinity)
ERROR: An unexpected error occurred while tokenizing input
TypeError: Computation failed since Maxima requested additional
constraints (try the command 'assume(a>0)' before integral or
On Aug 29, 4:50 am, Oscar Gerardo Lazo Arjona
> Hello!
> I have tried to fit some data about an harmonic oscillator to a sine
> function, but without success.
> Well, the find_fit command does return the values of constants, but they
> don't fit the data at all!
> I've attatched a wor
On Aug 13, 6:45 am, vasu wrote:
> Hi
> Any clues what is happening here? I am trying out calculations as Yann
> mentioned.
> M=matrix(SR,4,[1,1,1,1,x^a,x^b,x^c,1,y^a,y^b,y^c,1,z^a,z^b,z^c,1])
> M.det() gives
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> (...)
> Type
On Aug 12, 5:32 pm, vasu wrote:
> Hi
> I wanted to know how could one compute symbolic determinants. To give
> an idea of what I am looking for,
> R.=PolynomialRing(QQ,'x')
> M = [ x^a,x^b][x^c x^d]
> I would like to compute the determinant of the 2*2 matrix M, say. Now,
> I know that a,b,c,d
You migth also try this:
timeit('for x in sxrange(1,10): x.is_square()', number=25)
On Jun 7, 6:59 pm, Rolandb wrote:
> Tnx!
> int* did the tric. Maybe an idea to mention this in the Cython manual.
> Look at the amazing difference in speed
> sage: timeit('for x in xrange(1,10): i
This at least documented:
sage: R.=ZZ[]
sage: f = x^3+x+1
sage: f.mod?
When little is implemented about a given ring, then mod may
simply return f. For example, reduction is not implemented for
ZZ[x] yet. (TODO!)
sage: R. = PolynomialRing(ZZ)
sage: f = x
> An orthogonal lattice might not exist in general, but you can use LLL
> to get close (and, perhaps, hit it right on).
> sage: m = matrix([[1,2,3],[2,3,4]])
> sage: m.LLL()
> [-1 0 1]
> [ 1 1 1]
You might also want to try BKZ algorithm too.
sage: m
[ 1 0 -1 -2 -1]
[ 1 -2 0 1 0]
[ 1
And I guess the answer to Paul's question is then:
sage: (sinh(log(t)))._maxima_().exponentialize().sage()
1/2*t - 1/2/t
sage: (cos(log(t)))._maxima_().exponentialize().sage()
1/2*e^(-I*log(t)) + 1/2*e^(I*log(t))
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Is this helping?
sage: var('a,b,z')
(a, b, z)
sage: f=a*z+i*b*z^2
sage: f.norm()
b*z^2*conjugate(b)*conjugate(z)^2 - I*a*z*conjugate(b)*conjugate(z)^2
+ I*b*z^2*conjugate(a)*conjugate(z) + a*z*conjugate(a)*conjugate(z)
sage: f.norm().full_simplify()
b^2*z^4 + a^2*z^2
sage: f.norm().factor()
sage: R.=QQ[]
sage: while True:
: f=x+1
this eats up memory... it's bad
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the "del a4" should be indented one step more to the left (otherwise
you try to use it to define your matrix but it doesn't exist anymore)
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And I should have added that
K=NumberField(f,'t', cache=False)
does not help
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it seems the part eating memory is:
don't know why though
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Is this enough for you?
sage: var('x,y,z')
(x, y, z)
sage: solve([sqrt(x)-2,y-2*x,x-z**2],[x,y,z])
[[x == 4, y == 8, z == -2], [x == 4, y == 8, z == 2]]
(you can then filter the solutions)
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On Jan 24, 9:17 pm, William Stein wrote:
> Here's a potentially good way to do this right now :-)
> Define this function:
> def normalize_denoms(f):
> n, d = f.numerator(), f.denominator()
> a = [vector(x.coefficients()).denominator() for x in [n,d]]
> return (n*a[0])/(d*a[1])
sage: var('a')
sage: f = a*x^10+2*x^8+3*x+1
sage: g = cyclotomic_polynomial(18)(x)
sage: f.quo_rem(g)
(a*x^4 + 2*x^2 + a*x, 2*x^5 - 2*x^2 + (-a + 3)*x + 1)
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some exponentials exist:
sage: M = matrix(SR,2,[1,0,3,x])
sage: M.exp()
[ e0]
[-3*(e - e^x)/(x - 1) e^x]
sage: M = matrix(CDF,2,[1+i,0,3,i])
sage: M.exp()
[ 1.46869393992 + 2.28735528718*I 0]
[ 2.78517490214
If you want solution for this precise equation, look for "thue
The thue equations are some of the few for which there exists
efficient methods.
for example in PARI/GP (from sage with gp_console())
sage: gp_console()
GP/PARI CALCULATOR Version 2.3.3 (released)
You might also take a look at the full book
And of course, it's only a method to go from a general cubic equation
to a weierstrass form, net a general method th find integral points.
On Dec 7, 6:24 pm, Yann wrote:
> The general method is called
The general method is called Naggel's algorithm.
Take a look at
On Dec 7, 1:53 pm, Jaakko Seppälä wrote:
> Hello again!
> Is that method general? I tried now to find the integer points of x^3
> - 3*x*y^2-y^3-1 without success.
> Jaakk
>From the example you give:
2x**3+385x**2+256x-58195=3y**2 , over the rational field
it's not direct because sage does not handle general cubic equation
In sage, let's define:
sage: R. = QQ[]
sage: P = 2*x**3 + 385*x**2 + 256*x - 58195 - 3*y**2
Given an equation
A6 + A4 x + A3 y +
You can find the answer here (look for fromfunction):
On Nov 26, 9:45 pm, William Stein wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 10:07 PM, shaunc wrote:
> > Hello!
> > I am new to sage -- but an experienced python user.
> > I have succes
I made a tiny one line patch, it would be nice of view to review it.
Results after patching:
sage: m=identity_matrix(1000,sparse=True)
sage: v=vector([1]*1000,sparse=True)
sage: time p = v*m
CPU times: user 0.20 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.20 s
Is there a good reason for such a difference?
sage: m=identity_matrix(1000,sparse=True)
sage: v=vector([1]*1000,sparse=True)
sage: time p = v*m
CPU times: user 2.26 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 2.26 s
Wall time: 2.26 s
sage: v=matrix(1,1000,[1]*1000,sparse=True)
sage: time p = v*m
CPU times: user 0.36
| Sage Version 4.0.1, Release Date: 2009-06-06 |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.|
sage: A=matrix
Thanks for your answers, this will probably solve all my problems. And
writing to a file sounds good, since I can always read it's tail and
do whatever I want.
On 17 sep, 22:03, John Voight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello!
> It is a pity that Yi has moved on (at
> ( and I want to install sage on
> worker nodes.
> Yann, do you generate Monte Carlo data for LHC experiment ?
> I would be grateful for any links and any collaboration on developing
> dsage for Grid computing.
No, it's
On Sep 16, 9:37 pm, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 12:16 PM, Yann Le Du <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I tried to email the person apprently responsible for dsage, Yi Qiang,
> > abou
inished ? Say a
job outputs a list, and I want to plot it, can I say something like "If
there is some output, plot it, otherwise wait." ?
6/ If you have any notes, drafts, illustrating some of dsage
functionalities, I'd be more than happy to chec
nd out of
datedness. Irc suggested wikipedia. Any other suggestion ?
Yann Le Du
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