Why don't you just work with the quotientring of a polynmial ring?
sage: Rx.=RR[]
sage: K.=Rx.quo(x^6+1)
sage: j=a^4
sage: i=a^3
sage: j^3
sage: i^2
sage: (1+j+j^2) * j
a^4 - a^2 + 1.00
sage: (1+j+j^2)
a^4 - a^2 + 1.00
To po
Dear Juan Grados,
I don't think people have forgotten it, but merely not answering since you
are asking in the wrong place. This is the sage mailinglist not the mpi4py one
and the problems you are experiencing are problems with getting mpi4py
working and not sage.
Also your large amount of me