Dear Juan Grados,

I don't think people have forgotten it, but merely not answering since you 
are asking in the wrong place. This is the sage mailinglist not the mpi4py one 
and the problems you are experiencing are problems with getting mpi4py 
working and not sage. 

Also your large amount of messages to this list lately might have started to 
annoy people here, at least it started to annoy me. A lot of the other 
questions you asked seemed quite trivial and might be answered by yourself 
if you just took the time to do a decent python tutorial and an additional 
sage tutorial. We are not here to solve all your every day problems and you 
should ask yourself two questions before you post to a mailing list. 1) Is 
the mailing list you mail to the right one 2) Did I really try and think 
hard enough to solve the problem myself.

Also when you show in your question in wich ways you already tried to solve 
the problem yourself people might be more inclined to help you since they 
see you already put a lot of effort in it.

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