Funny you should mention the puppy linux version. I burned a few
copies of that ISO today but none of them booted. The md5sum checked
out right after downloading. Once in a while I may hit a bad CD or a
bad burner, but I used burners that never failed before and 3 CDs in a
row failing is not
Make sure to test the live CD first. For example, a mathematician
told me last week he tried to download and use the PuppyLinux official
Sage live CD, and it was all in German!
On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 4:15 PM, Dan Drake wrote:
> On Wed, 19 May 2010 at 05:59AM -0700, A. Jorge Garcia
On Wed, 19 May 2010 at 05:59AM -0700, A. Jorge Garcia wrote:
> I'm OK with server response time online now using a SAGE server
> alternate to My issue now is that there's no
> way to print or save files while running the liveSAGE CD.
USB drives? The students' worksheets wil
Well, I haven't had a chance to setup a SAGE server locally or even
install SAGE as a local client on my linux boxes. So, I'm simply
giving my students the liveSAGE CD to boot up. I've decided to "go
all SAGE all the time" these last few weeks after the AP exams to get
used to using SAGE in class