[sage-devel] Re: proposal to remove dsage from sage

2010-01-18 Thread jplab
Hello everyone, I worked during months with my computer lab director trying to make dsage work... We managed once to make it work properly. In dsage: -Documentation is anemic; -Many not implemented functions; -Bizarre behaviours -... My vote is: [x] - Remove dSage from Sage "and use something e

[sage-devel] Re: polymake wrapper

2011-11-03 Thread jplab
Hi, This is just to connect discussions. Here is the link to pypolymake discussion on the forum of polymake: http://forum.polymake.org/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=178 Cheers, J-P -- To post to this group, send an email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to sa

[sage-devel] Polymake/ Are the Sage polytope constructors (too) slow?

2010-12-02 Thread jplab
My message is in two parts. The first one is more about Polymake vs Sage. The second is about how polytopes are constructed in Sage. For a couple of weeks now, I need to work with polytopes and the Polyhedron class. I'm a student currently at Techniche Universität Berlin, so Polyma

[sage-devel] Multiplication of matrices in a cyclotomic field seems to be slow

2014-04-10 Thread jplab
is now: what is the method *_matrix_times_matrix_,* located in the module *matrix_cyclo_dense.pyx*, doing so that it takes so much time compared to the usual generic multiplication of the module matrix_generic_dense? Is there a known use case when the multiplication in matrix_cyclo_dense is faster than the

[sage-devel] Please review #15547 -- Drawing polytopes using TikZ

2014-06-05 Thread jplab
This ticket fixes two small errors in the plotting of polyhedron. http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/15547 This makes it possible to draw polytope using TikZ code. See http://page.mi.fu-berlin.de/labbe/Gallery.html for a few drawing examples. Thanks a lot! -- You received this message because y

[sage-devel] Memory leak in Polyhedron objects

2014-06-16 Thread jplab
Hey Sage-devel! I've been experiencing memory issues dealing with Polyhedron objects for a while now... Perhaps it is time to look if something could be done. Here is a simple code reproducing the (what I believe to be a) memory leak. First, I use the garbage collector to force the cleaning of

[sage-devel] Re: Memory leak in Polyhedron objects

2014-06-16 Thread jplab
Le lundi 16 juin 2014 16:53:45 UTC+2, Volker Braun a écrit : > > The problem is in posets, so you get it in all methods that construct the > face lattice: > > http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/14356 > > Ok! Good to know! Thanks for the quick reply! -- You received this message because you are s

[sage-devel] Where is the long_element (or w0) method of Coxeter groups gone?

2014-07-08 Thread jplab
Hi, I had some older code using Coxeter groups. Since I was running the code on machines with different version of Sage, I was handling manually if whether it had "CoxeterGroup" or not (I used WeylGroup when needed). Now I'm rebasing my code to the latest version of Sage, and to my surprise,

[sage-devel] Where to put a tutorial to draw polytopes in Tikz?

2014-09-03 Thread jplab
Hi, Recently, I wrote a small tutorial describing how to draw polytopes in TikZ using sage. It is currently on my webpage [1]. It would be better to have it somewhere in the sage documentation, but where exactly, and in which format? Best, Jean-Philippe [1] http://page.mi.fu-berlin.de/labbe/p

[sage-devel] Sage Days 79 in Jerusalem, November 2016 -- Second announcement

2016-09-15 Thread jplab
Dear all, The *Sage Days 79* are going to take place for the first time in Israel on *November 21st to 24th 2016* on the Givat Ram Campus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The aim of the meeting will be to introduce the software to students and mathematicians in the region, with further

[sage-devel] sphinx_tikz() in the documentation?

2017-03-05 Thread jplab
Hi all, It is now possible to add plots in the documentation via the command sphinx_plot, see for example: http://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/plotting/sage/plot/plot.html I would like to know about how to implement a similar function which would do a similar job with a `Latex_Expr` obje

[sage-devel] Re: sphinx_tikz() in the documentation?

2017-03-06 Thread jplab
Le lundi 6 mars 2017 05:12:29 UTC+1, Travis Scrimshaw a écrit : > > Are you not able to do it by putting the tikz code in a .. MATH:: block? > > Haven't tried! Will do! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "sage-devel" group. To unsubscribe from this gr

[sage-devel] Re: sphinx_tikz() in the documentation?

2017-03-06 Thread jplab
> > > Le lundi 6 mars 2017 05:12:29 UTC+1, Travis Scrimshaw a écrit : >> >> Are you not able to do it by putting the tikz code in a .. MATH:: block? >> >> > Haven't tried! Will do! > Actually, after a second thought, I do not think it will work. Here is what I want to do in a simple example. .

[sage-devel] making a reset() makes it impossible to "quit"

2017-03-29 Thread jplab
Hi, Is the following normal: sage: a=2; a 2 sage: reset() sage: a Traceback (most recent call last): ... NameError: name 'a' is not defined sage: quit Traceback (most recent call last): ... NameError: name 'quit' is not defined See the question on AskSage: https://ask.sagemath.org/question/964

[sage-devel] Re: making a reset() makes it impossible to "quit"

2017-03-30 Thread jplab
Le mercredi 29 mars 2017 19:48:57 UTC+2, John H Palmieri a écrit : > > It looks like a bug to me. > > Should I open a ticket then? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "sage-devel" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it,

[sage-devel] Re: making a reset() makes it impossible to "quit"

2017-03-30 Thread jplab
Thanks for the pointer! Le jeudi 30 mars 2017 11:37:32 UTC+2, Frédéric Chapoton a écrit : > > https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/22529 > > Le jeudi 30 mars 2017 11:07:22 UTC+2, jplab a écrit : >> >> >> >> Le mercredi 29 mars 2017 19:48:57 UTC+2, John H Palmieri a

[sage-devel] Why do Polyhedron objects inherit from "Element"?

2017-05-04 Thread jplab
Dear all, Some time ago, during the Sage Days 84 in Olot, https://wiki.sagemath.org/days84 some participants (including myself) wondered why would Polyhedron objects inherit from the "Element" class. The reason to wonder is that it seems to provide methods to a polyhedron object which make n

Re: [sage-devel] Why do Polyhedron objects inherit from "Element"?

2017-05-04 Thread jplab
> > > The reason to wonder is that it seems to provide methods to a polyhedron > > object which make no sense: > > > > > > .is_idempotent() > > .is_zero() > > .n() > > .numerical_approx() > > .subs() > > .substitute() > > This is a *mess* that should actually be removed from Element!

[sage-devel] Re: Polyhedron plot bug

2017-07-31 Thread jplab
Dear Fidel, Thank you for your bug report. I have created the ticket https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23555 for this issue. Best, Jean-Philippe Le samedi 22 juillet 2017 19:02:07 UTC+2, fidelbc a écrit : > > Hello all, > > A question [1] at the CoCalc group is related to the following issue wh

[sage-devel] Methods for polyhedron are ring dependant?

2015-10-13 Thread jplab
Hi everyone, Currently, I am working on the ticket: http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/18442 which implements a barycentric subdivision of a polytope. For this I use the containment check. In the tests, it works fine for a regular pentagon over AA but not over RDF. The problem can be seen with th

Re: [sage-devel] Re: Methods for polyhedron are ring dependant?

2015-10-13 Thread jplab
Hi everyone, Out of the discussion I could conclude the following: -it would be a good idea to warn the user if some results may be wrong due to the used ring. Perhaps this deserves a ticket on its own. -use is_positive for non exact ring and I suggest: -Perhaps containment should be done comb

[sage-devel] First SageDays in Israel (SageDays79)

2016-03-02 Thread jplab
Hi everyone, I am pleased to let you know that the first SageDays in Israel are going to take place in *November 21 to 25* 2016! https://wiki.sagemath.org/days79 The aim of the SageDays will be to gather the users of the region for the first time and hopefully create new collaborations with mo

Re: [sage-devel] Re: changelogs missing in http://www.sagemath.org/changelogs/index.html

2017-10-10 Thread jplab
This would indeed be fantastic as I am writing an application for funding for a future SageDays and it would be great to have an order of magnitude of how many active contributors there are to the latest Sage releases! Le jeudi 28 septembre 2017 14:59:50 UTC+2, kcrisman a écrit : > > > > > I'l

Re: [sage-devel] Proposal : Add pplpy and gmpy2 as standard packages.

2018-03-09 Thread jplab
Hi all, Allow me to jump in the discussion as a daily "Sage user" of code using the ppl backend in the Polyhedron class. I put the "Sage user" in quotes, because it seems that it was used for different types of users. What's in for the normal strictly routine not-developing user? Well, IMHO m

[sage-devel] Question about number_field_elements_from_algebraics (Ticket 20181)

2018-04-09 Thread jplab
Dear all, In order to get algebraic polyhedra using the normaliz backend [1], we modify the function number_field_elements_from_algebraics of qqbar.py to give embedded number fields and also accept a larger class of algebraic numbers, say coming from cyclotomic fields [2]. For example, this i

[sage-devel] Re: Question about number_field_elements_from_algebraics (Ticket 20181)

2018-04-12 Thread jplab
his as "getting_number_field_elements_from_algebraists"... > > On Monday, April 9, 2018 at 5:10:07 PM UTC+1, jplab wrote: >> >> Dear all, >> >> In order to get algebraic polyhedra using the normaliz backend [1], we >> modify the function >> >> number_field_elements_fr

Re: [sage-devel] SCIP integration into sage

2018-04-14 Thread jplab
Hi, Maybe I just give my basic knowledge about SCIP and ZIB. Le vendredi 13 avril 2018 11:20:25 UTC+2, bluescarni a écrit : > > http://scip.zib.de/academic.txt > > """ > 1. This license applies to you only if you are a member of a noncommercial >and academic institution, e.g., a university.

[sage-devel] Re: talk

2018-07-24 Thread jplab
Hi, It is great to have a recent snapshot of the status of Sage and a wishlist! This summer marks the 10th year when my brother showed me Sage for the first time at the beginning of my master (So happy I did not need to use Maple or Matematica any more...). It is awesome to see it so lively an

[sage-devel] Re: document and doctest constructing polyhedra over number fields

2018-08-18 Thread jplab
Good Morning, This issue is reported here also (4 years ago, yes, ages ago): https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/17197 The fresh thematic tutorial on polyhedra contains the remedy material you are looking for: http://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/thematic_tutorials/geometry/polyhedra_tutorial.html B

Re: [sage-devel] Tools to compute Hilbert Poincaré series

2018-09-02 Thread jplab
Hi Simon, Le samedi 1 septembre 2018 22:59:12 UTC+2, Simon King a écrit : > > > > The question in all cases (frobby, Normaliz, LattE, CoCoA) is whether the > conversion > from Singular is efficient. > > Normaliz can compute the Hilbert series of monomial ideals given different gradings. With

[sage-devel] Re: Real algebraic varieties

2019-01-07 Thread jplab
Dear Thierry, I have to solve polynomial systems of equations on a regular basis and would be happy to see sage improve in this respect. My strategy is to use numerical algorithms. There is Bertini (I glued together my own customized interface to it 4-5 years ago). They now migrated to C code

[sage-devel] Re: We can now have pictures in our documentation

2015-03-17 Thread jplab
This looks very powerful!!! Thank you very much!! I have a few questions (you probably see me coming with these...): - Can this be used to show pdf pictures obtained by (tikz) latex code? - In general, can sage show a pdf picture as a plot option? (Something in the vain of http://www.liafa.un

[sage-devel] Re: Sage logo -- Proposal

2015-04-07 Thread jplab
GgDA&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=672>... Perhaps it is not time for Sagemath yet. Maybe eventually, it may influence the choice of a next version of the logo... Best, JP Le jeudi 2 avril 2015 11:40:37 UTC+3, Harald Schilly a écrit : > > > > On Sunday, March 29, 2015 at 5

[sage-devel] Re: Sage logo -- Proposal

2015-04-07 Thread jplab
Interestingly, I just noticed that on the sagetrac webpage, the logo is different than the usual one: http://trac.sagemath.org/ It seems that this is actually the "real" picture behind Sagemath logo. Could that be? This would be that the logo is actually some sort of Schlegel diagram of a hig

[sage-devel] Re: ipython-notebook: show picture in notebook (e.g. latex-tikz)

2015-04-10 Thread jplab
Hi! I just want to say that this is a very nice feature!! Jean-Philippe -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "sage-devel" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to sage-devel+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.

[sage-devel] Re: The high memory cost of creating many Polyhedron objects

2015-04-29 Thread jplab
Hi Nathann, Have a look at the thread Memory leak in Polyhedron object . Would that be the problem for you? In this case, the problem is the ticket #14356. Best, JP Le m

[sage-devel] Re: The high memory cost of creating many Polyhedron objects

2015-04-29 Thread jplab
Hi, I had not noticed that Polyhedron created a Poset, and if so that 'makes > sense'. I had the same problem with both classes: it makes it very hard to > create a lot of Polyhedron objects, or many posets (and this, in turns, > makes it hard to write a routine that enumerates posets up to iso

[sage-devel] Re: The high memory cost of creating many Polyhedron objects

2015-04-29 Thread jplab
One thing could be to see how much of the information of the face lattice is required for some specific methods... Perhaps some of them could be implemented without using the face lattice in certain cases and be just as fast... -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goo

[sage-devel] Please review ticket #18128 -- Face truncation of polyhedron

2015-04-29 Thread jplab
Hi, Please review #18128 . This ticket implements the method "face truncation" for polyhedron. The method "edge_truncation" is renamed simply "truncation". Thanks!!! Jean-Philippe -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Grou

[sage-devel] Re: Please review ticket #18128 -- Face truncation of polyhedron

2015-05-06 Thread jplab
Hi again, The ticket is again ready for review! http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/18128 Thanks!! JP -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "sage-devel" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to sage-devel+uns

[sage-devel] timeit in the cloud vs terminal

2015-05-06 Thread jplab
Hi! Compare the following code in the command line and the cloud: In the terminal: sage: t=timeit('factor(ZZ.random_element(10^40))', seconds=True) sage: t 0.019134044647216797 sage: type(t) In the cloud: sage: t=timeit('factor(ZZ.random_element(10^40))', seconds=True) 0.0210275173187 sage: t

[sage-devel] Re: trac broken (/tmp/ is full)

2015-05-21 Thread jplab
Hi, This happened to me yesterday with #18442 and a few hours later it was back and ok... JP Le jeudi 21 mai 2015 14:28:08 UTC+3, vdelecroix a écrit : > > Hello, > > Again trac does not show many tickets. Going to > > http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/15456 > > I got > > Trac detected an inte

[sage-devel] Bug in hilbert numerator of a big ideal?

2015-05-21 Thread jplab
Hi everyone, I encountered a weird behavior while computing the hilbert numerator of certain Stanley-Reisner ideals . It is difficult to give a short, self-contained, correct example since the smallest example I can obtain that produc

[sage-devel] Re: Bug in hilbert numerator of a big ideal?

2015-05-22 Thread jplab
Dear John, Ok, I'll have a look at frobby! Just to check, I installed Macaulay2 and did the same computation and it gave me the right answer... So I could interface my code, but this is not the optimal way. If it is a bug, it should be looked at and repaired... Best, Jean-Philippe Le jeudi 2

[sage-devel] Re: Bug in hilbert numerator of a big ideal?

2015-05-26 Thread jplab
Hi! So, the workaround I found was to wrap cocoa using a subprocess... It works quite ok for my purposes... Thanks for your help! JP Le samedi 23 mai 2015 08:05:51 UTC+3, john_perry_usm a écrit : > > > Ok, I'll have a look at frobby! Just to check, I installed Macaulay2 and >> did the same com

Re: [sage-devel] Re: ask.sagemath.org issues - do we need it?

2021-12-14 Thread jplab
Hello, I think it is a fair question to consider whether we need AskSage. This discussion reminded me of a previous thread in the group which I think is still worth reading today: Sage Stack Exchange Site: https://groups.google.com/g/sage-devel/c/hwEhxaetakk/m/XSWWUYS9LCwJ While the discussion

[sage-devel] Error while compiling -- ecl-21.2.1 on Debian 11

2022-05-04 Thread jplab
Hello, I haven't compiled sage for too long (shame on me...). I have a fresh installation of Debian bullseye, and the compilation fails at ecl-21.2.1. The relevant log mentions: Building ecl_min... 25 ./ecl_min: error while loading shared libraries: libffi.so.8: cannot open shared object file

[sage-devel] Re: Error while compiling -- ecl-21.2.1 on Debian 11

2022-05-04 Thread jplab
.org/ticket/32753 > > > On Wednesday, May 4, 2022 at 11:51:07 AM UTC-7 jplab wrote: > >> Hello, >> >> I tried with: >> ~sage$ sudo apt-get -y autoremove --purge ecl >> ~sage$ which ecl >> ~sage$ make distclean >> ~sage$ ./configure >> ~sage$

[sage-devel] MSC-2020 -- Class 52: Convex and Discrete Geometry -- CAS Citations from 2000 to 2021

2022-08-11 Thread jplab
Dear all, During the Summer, I was curious to know more about the impact of Sage in my research area (MSC2020-52: Convex and Discrete Geometry). If I recall correctly, around 2010-11 was the integration of ppl as a backend for polyhedral computations, and it more or less also corresponds to th

[sage-devel] Re: Want to add generalised Newton's method for solving a nonlinear systems of equations to Sage

2020-05-02 Thread jplab
Hello Daniel, I am not very familiar with the numerical newton methods in Sage. Have you looked in numpy? Concerning the contribution process, you may appreciate the following answer given on AskSage https://ask.sagemath.org/question/50630/how-to-contribute-to-sage-in-less-than-20-easy-steps/

[sage-devel] Re: https://wiki.sagemath.org/ReleaseTours/sage-9.2

2020-08-09 Thread jplab
Great! I added a Section about the Polyhedral Geometry related new things. Best', Le samedi 8 août 2020 20:10:17 UTC+2, Matthias Koeppe a écrit : > > Let's prepare the release tour for the upcoming 9.2 release by > collaborative editing. > > https://wiki.sagemath.org/ReleaseTours/sage-9.2 > > >

[sage-devel] Re: Proposal to add "tox" as a standard package - entry point for testing and linting

2020-10-06 Thread jplab
Hi! This looks like a great new feature! I discovered it by surprise when the command "pep8 -v some_file.py" was not returning anything anymore, while typically it returns hundreds of lines... Looking a bit around, I guess that one should add a few of the typical PEP8 errors in tox.ini? Does t

[sage-devel] missing configure.ac? in binary of 9.2 Debian 64 bits.

2021-02-22 Thread jplab
Hello! I have downloaded the sage9.2 Debian binary to be used on a cluster. I have untarred it and then simply run ./sage to do a sanity check. Then it runs the relocate-once.py script, but fails at the file "config.status" since it is not there. I could fix this by taking my own configure.ac

[sage-devel] #27071: Recommendations on naming convention and _repr_

2019-01-29 Thread jplab
Hello, In the ticket: https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/27071 We implement the method `ambient_V_indices` for faces of polyhedron to get a grip of the indices of faces of polyhedron, which were not yet easily accessible. At the same time, I suggest a change to the `_repr_` function to make it

[sage-devel] Re: polymake-3.1 build fails with std::__::numeric_limits<...>

2019-03-14 Thread jplab
Dear Harly Hallikas, This error seems to be in polymake source code. You could report this compilation error to the polymake development team here: https://forum.polymake.org/ to see if this fixed in the current version. The current version is 3.3 available here: https://polymake.org/doku.php

[sage-devel] Re: Sage 8.4 has broken Hilbert polynomials

2019-03-14 Thread jplab
This still does not work in Sage version 8.7.beta7. I have created a ticket located at https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/27483 Best regards, Le lundi 5 novembre 2018 18:55:25 UTC+1, john_perry_usm a écrit : > > This code works in Sage 8.3, but not in Sage 8.4. > > P. = PolynomialRing(QQ) >

[sage-devel] Re: Cernay 2019: math software developers workshop: Sage, GAP, ...

2019-03-22 Thread jplab
Great!! My schedule is finally flexible enough this year! Looking forward to the dates. Is there going to be funding avaialble for students, postdoc from ODK? Best, J-P Le dimanche 17 mars 2019 09:02:05 UTC+1, Nicolas M. Thiéry a écrit : > >Hello, > > I am planning to organize this Spr

Re: [sage-devel] Polyhedron.vertices() function call behaviour

2019-04-16 Thread jplab
Le vendredi 12 avril 2019 06:41:50 UTC+2, John H Palmieri a écrit : > > Can you provide details of how you created the polyhedron? As David said, > Q.vertices() should make a copy before returning the result, and I would > like to recreate this so I can fix it. > > +1 -- You received this mes

Re: [sage-devel] Error installing latte_int

2019-04-21 Thread jplab
Making the suggested changes seemed to have solved the issue. I guess this should become a patch upstream or a patch in the sage package... Le mercredi 17 avril 2019 15:41:57 UTC+2, Dima Pasechnik a écrit : > > this looks like > https://github.com/mkoeppe/LiDIA/issues/1 > > to me. > there is a wo

Re: [sage-devel] Polyhedron.vertices() function call behaviour

2019-04-21 Thread jplab
I have created a ticket here: https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/27709 and now made the vector method output a copy. Le mercredi 17 avril 2019 07:44:22 UTC+2, vdelecroix a écrit : > > Le 16/04/2019 à 09:58, jplab a écrit : > > > > > > Le vendredi 12 avril 2019 06:41:50

[sage-devel] Re: polymake 3.1 package failing install on SageMath 8.7

2019-05-07 Thread jplab
Hi Stefan, Polymake had some issues with gcc 7 in the past. I do not know if the following could help you: https://forum.polymake.org/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=579 The latest version (3.4) of polymake is very close to be in Sage: https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/24905 Compilation was tested on mac

Re: [sage-devel] Polyhedron -- make constructions respect backend

2019-06-04 Thread jplab
Hi Jonathan, Le lundi 3 juin 2019 23:31:29 UTC+2, vdelecroix a écrit : > > To my mind: > > * backend and base ring should be preserved by default. Of course > it should make sense: a translation by sqrt(2) would break the > base ring QQ. > +1 > * no need to create one ticket for

[sage-devel] Re: Poll: three.js as the default 3d viewer in Sage

2019-09-24 Thread jplab
+1 to make threejs the default viewer. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "sage-devel" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to sage-devel+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To view this discussion on the web

[sage-devel] Re: what is the correct defintion of a vertex graph for polyhedra with lines?

2019-10-19 Thread jplab
Hi Jonathan, Could you be more precise with what you mean with "projection"? What is the status quo? (Please provide a minimal reproducible working example that shows the contrast along with the proposed wished change that you have in mind, otherwise we are left to guess what you mean and that

[sage-devel] Re: Switch to Python 3 by default

2019-10-27 Thread jplab
+1 Le dimanche 27 octobre 2019 01:58:23 UTC+2, Volker Braun a écrit : > > Maybe I missed it, but I didn't find a ticket for that. I think now would > be a good time to flip the switch, though. Any thoughts? > -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "sage-de

[sage-devel] Re: Need help testing #27122 and #27103

2019-10-27 Thread jplab
Which platforms need testing precisely? and which platforms were tested? J-P Le vendredi 25 octobre 2019 22:28:03 UTC+2, Jonathan Kliem a écrit : > > Hi, I would appreciate some help testing #27122 > and possibly on top of that > #27103

[sage-devel] Problems launching jupyter browser window and threejs browser window

2019-10-27 Thread jplab
Hi everyone, I wanted to test the following ticket on sage 9.0beta2: https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/28658 So I wrote the following in the terminal: sage: p = polytopes.icosahedron() sage: p.plot() Launched html viewer for Graphics3d Object Then, a Firefox browser window opens with Firefox's

Re: [sage-devel] Problems launching jupyter browser window and threejs browser window

2019-10-28 Thread jplab
Hi, Le dimanche 27 octobre 2019 20:10:11 UTC+1, Dima Pasechnik a écrit : > > On Sun, Oct 27, 2019 at 4:36 PM jplab > > wrote: > > > > Hi everyone, > > > > I wanted to test the following ticket on sage 9.0beta2: > > > > https://trac.sa

[sage-devel] Re: Problems launching jupyter browser window and threejs browser window

2019-10-28 Thread jplab
> >> Then, a Firefox browser window opens with Firefox's "pingponging ball of >> Death" of an eternally loading window... >> >> > > Works for me (on the same ticket branch). This is with Ubuntu 18.04 + > Firefox 70.0. What is your system? > Ok... After some thoughts when you asked about my fi

[sage-devel] Re: Optional and experimental packages

2019-11-01 Thread jplab
Hi, Le lundi 28 octobre 2019 23:02:23 UTC+1, John H Palmieri a écrit : > > > > *Experimental:* > > - the following failed to build: > > autotools > cocoalib > libtheora > polymake > qepcad > scipoptsuite > surf > valgrind > > - the following succeeded: > > gap3 > lie > modular_decomposition > perl

Re: [sage-devel] Renaming `affine_hull` for polyhedra

2020-03-15 Thread jplab
> > >> in #29326. >> >> Do you have thoughts about it? Does anyone have a better name? Opinions >> are welcome. >> > > affine_hull_projection > +1 for affine_hull_projection At one moment, I thought something called "make_full_dimensional" or would be a

Re: [sage-devel] Urgent: Please vote on these "disputed" PRs

2024-04-12 Thread jplab
Dear all, The Code of Conduct Committee considered the issue and found no need for David to recuse himself as requested. We would like to use this opportunity to clarify that messages sent by any of us and signed as “The Code of Conduct Committee” have been approved by the entire committee.

[sage-devel] Invitation to Participate in Survey: Governance and Community building

2024-06-26 Thread jplab
Dear SageMath Community, As most of you are likely aware, our communication platforms surrounding the development of Sagemath have unfortunately been the scene of inappropriate behavior, which has impacted our progress and overall community atmosphere. In light of this, and as part of our ong

Re: [sage-devel] Re: ask.sagemath.org issues - do we need it?

2024-07-07 Thread jplab
Hello, Jumping in here... 1) I remember discussions from the past while the (Anything)overflow era was booming, there was ideas to create the Sageoverflow database of Q&A... For me, the main reason not to go is *ownership of the data* and *hosting*. As Sébastien perfectly illustrated, the imme

[sage-devel] Re: Invitation to Participate in Survey: Governance and Community building

2024-07-23 Thread jplab
Hello everyone, This is a reminder to fill out the survey before August 1st. Thanks a lot to the people that took the time to answer! Best regards, The SageMath Code of Conduct Committee Le lundi 1 juillet 2024 à 22:44:00 UTC-4, tcsc...@gmail.com a écrit : > Thank you for taking the time to m

[sage-devel] Re: Invitation to Participate in Survey: Governance and Community building

2024-09-06 Thread jplab
2024 à 13:27:04 UTC-4, Matthias Koeppe a écrit : > When will the results be posted? > > On Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 7:10:07 AM UTC-7 jplab wrote: > >> Dear SageMath Community, >> >> As most of you are likely aware, our communication platforms surrounding >&

[sage-devel] Policy discussion about blocking others on Github

2024-09-06 Thread jplab
This message comes from the Code of Conduct Committee, in response to a question from Kwankyu (A2) about blocking other Sage developers on Github. While it is not possible to block others on a single issue or PR, it is po