s gcc 4.2 (as opposed to 4.0.1, which is
usually the last supported one on Tiger), SDK, and gfortran. Then one
has to create symlinks... yuck. Or we could just provide gcc for PPC
Tiger along with gfortran... this seems weird.
- kcrisman
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apparently work with Xcode 2.5...
Sorry for all the activity on this. My interest on this is not
related to drkirkby's (legitimate) concerns, but is related to #9808.
- kcrisman
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pply it.
> So Sage is definitely moving away from g95.
> I just think we should remove the odd code (much of it rather ugly,
> often written in perl), which makes a distinction between gfortran and
> g95.
It would be nice if we could find a binary for gfortran for the
particular s
On Sep 9, 12:40 pm, Jeroen Demeyer wrote:
> On 2010-09-09 14:48, kcrisman wrote:> sage:
> > Exiting Sage (CPU time 0m0.28s, Wall time 0m3.25s).
> > Exiting spawned GP/PARI interpreter process.
> > Note the last line. This is repeatable. Do we really want this?
;s why you don't have G95 showing up,
since you didn't use Sage's provided binary to start with.
- kcrisman
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For more o
be rendered moot if the current discussion on
#9808 proves fruitful; then drkirkby can at the very least remove
references to G95 that have nothing to do with Darwin.
- kcrisman
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On Sep 10, 9:34 am, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
> On Sep 10, 8:53 pm, kcrisman wrote:
> > On Sep 10, 2:36 am, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
> > > After some trial and error, I came
> > > acrosshttp://r.research.att.com/tools/#gcc42
> > I mentioned this lin
specific setup (if g95 is kept).
Understood; I'm not trying to make extra work for you, just to keep a
viable platform going.
- kcrisman
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anging how we support a particular platform probably
deserves more discussion than its received on this thread, so for now
I'll wait to see if it worked for you to use this toolkit to build
Sage successfully (e.g. 4.6.alpha0) and then maybe I'll take a leap on
*one* of my 10.4 boxes to see
On Sep 10, 2:31 pm, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
> On Sep 11, 1:31 am, kcrisman wrote:
> > > Buthttp://r.research.att.com/tools/#gcc42provideshttp://r.research.att.c...
> > > which will do the installation of "10.4u", whatever this means,
as Dima demonstrates, with OS X
10.4, somehow this is not so easy to remove. Interestingly, he gets
stuck at Scipy apparently because of numpy, which is also the problem
on one of the tickets in question (though for a newer versino of each
of those).
- kcrisman
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rtran seems to be
> working fine. So once I have some time, I'll try to rework the
> fortran.spkg package for femhub to install the above fortran binary
> and see if I can compile everything with it.
Please read earlier in this thread for what the issues are with this.
symlinks. But as I have time
this week I will try to figure out what I could do from this
- kcrisman
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t that 10.4-specific bundle (10.4u) does include
> gcc4.2 and g++42 as well as gfortran42.
> So it is all there waiting to be installed, simultaneously with
> gfortran42
Right - the first comment made it sound like you had changed your mind
about that :) I'll try this sometime this wee
#x27;t important. So no
disparaging remarks needed about that sort of thing either.
Otherwise, please move this thread to sage-flame - if only out of self-
interest. Potential developers will read this, and the tone (not
facts, which are not at issue) may help them decide to move on.
kground to know
that there even *exists* non-portable shell code, but still want to
help review/write such code in easy cases.
- kcrisman
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I would say there is
definitely a use for this addition :) assuming someone were to write
it ;)
And having it written in a *findable* place would make a lot of
difference. I was just helping review an spkg where the person had
just zipped it with bz2 and renamed, and it was very nice to just
that page from each of the above ones for those who are
more interested, and that would take care of things.
If you're up to this, I think that cc:ing people like myself, mvgnu,
leif, rbeezer, mhansen, robertwb would lead to at least one of us
taking a first draft and seeing if it was up to REs
Anyone else getting this problem on Trac? Just curious if it's just
me. I've logged in and out a lot, quit and started browser, no avail.
- kcrisman
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27;t seem to cut it. Has anyone else
had this happen?
- kcrisman
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> > What happens if
> > export SAGE_CHECK=no
> > is done?
> Then the test suite is run.
Good, so I'm not insane.
- kcrisman
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;s assumption framework,
since that was the best thing going inside of Sage for this purpose.
- kcrisman
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from the version they're
> using to create the distributions.
> If someone wanted to work on trac ticket #21, then this file would
Wow, a TWO-digit Trac ticket. One of only three remaining, as far as
I can tell... unfortunately it isn't easy to create a custom report
listing t
> > Wow, a TWO-digit Trac ticket. One of only three remaining, as far as
> > I can tell... unfortunately it isn't easy to create a custom report
> > listing things in numerical order only.
> > - kcrisman
> Click on the "Ticket #" header to s
edge ever reviews Nils Bruin's patch to
make library access to Maxima the default, it will even be fast :) so
we won't complain about that any more.
But please don't make these blanket statements about the whole content
of Sage until you are familiar with all those subsystems. As I&
clarification on Maxima also importing scientific
libraries of certain kinds. Doesn't make it an elephant!
- kcrisman
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For more
eous interesting users for any other class of users
> you care about.
> Can you guess when a class hit the Sage server? The peaks stand out
> quite a bit :).
Ironically, the first time I tried the link I got a 503 Service Denied
due to overload :)
- kcrisman
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this as much as
I think the real problem is that we never knew whether Linux PPC was
supported or not! The notion of 'official support' has evolved
considerably over the last year, thanks largely to the efforts of Dave
K. - mostly in good ways, I'd say.
- kcrisman
To p
27;d be willing to retest
it on the OS X PPC box to make sure that didn't break anything - no,
Dima, I still don't have the Linux up on that yet :(
- kcrisman
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it doesn't
exist, which it may) for the other?
- kcrisman
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On Sep 29, 11:46 am, maldun wrote:
> > Maldun, do you think that would be possible? I'd be willing to retest
> > it on the OS X PPC box to make sure that didn't break anything - no,
> > Dima, I still don't have the Linux up on that yet :(
> > - kcris
On Sep 29, 2:10 pm, maldun wrote:
> > Maldun, do you think that would be possible? I'd be willing to retest
> > it on the OS X PPC box to make sure that didn't break anything - no,
> > Dima, I still don't have the Linux up on that yet :(
ing with it (I know Leif is doing things), and upgrade the source
> based on changes by Leif and others.
Although if the upgrade is quite straightforward otherwise, it
wouldn't hurt to leave the rpy spkg issue to later.
- kcrisman
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ge: foo??
> > but couldn't. What is going on here?"),
> +1
Well, what should really be done is to make this sort of thing not
happen when we do ?? Jason, is that at all technically feasible, or
is it even more complicated than your coercion answer?
- kcrisman
To post to
And for those too lazy to click on Nils' link...
Mathjax is the successor to jsmath, by the same author. William was
one of the people who convinced his funders to allow a GPL-compatible
license, and Jason G. and others are definitely hot to upgrade once
they have the opportunity.
- kcr
Why not try the same thing under sage -gdb to see what's happening?
Good work on the fuzz tests - I like the name, too.
- kcrisman
On Oct 9, 8:03 am, "Dr. David Kirkby" wrote:
> Following some very quick hacks at using "fuzz testing" techniques, I found
> that
in some earlier revisions. No matter how I imported it,
the arith.py one is the one that would show up, but this would be a
great goal.
- kcrisman
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perts" but does have the ability to destroy your
Sage if you aren't careful.
- kcrisman
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? I'm not 100% sure
this is a bug in log; maybe instead we should extend int so that
sage: int(3).n()
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'n'
sage: n(int(3))
have the same output.
Thanks for any feedback,
- kcrisman
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On Oct 15, 2:02 pm, Burcin Erocal wrote:
> Hi Karl-Dieter,
> On Fri, 15 Oct 2010 10:09:50 -0700 (PDT)
> kcrisman wrote:
> > --
> > | Sage Version 4.6.alpha3, Release Date: 2
leanup as well.
I think I must be one of the only people to use the 'minor' field on a
regular basis. And most of the 'critical' ones are not critical in
that sense. But there hasn't been much discussion at all of what
counts as a critical or major thing - i
Here's another way to see this:
sage: P. = QQ[]
sage: I = Ideal(x+y+z-3,x^2+y^2+z^2-5,x^3+y^3+z^3-7)
sage: from sage.misc.citation import get_systems
sage: get_systems("I.radical()")
- kcrisman
On Oct 18, 8:04 pm, Martin Albrecht
> On Tuesday 19
kill sets - neither of which is the case here, in a project which is
monstrously diverse in terms of skill needs and obviously very non-
hierarchical), I don't see how it's feasible to implement your ideas
on this, other than the reminders of good practice you give in public
fora such as thi
Yes, let's keep in mind that notebook servers with fewer users are
usually very snappy and a great resource. It's not CPU power, but
number of simultaneous users, I think.
Maybe it's time to relieve the strain on sagenb by publicizing more of
the other 'semi-secret' server
x27;re "retiring" the welcome messages? Those were
very useful for people wanting to click through to the other lists, as
well as wanting to know what a particular list was about. We may need
to put more details about their purposes on the regular Sage page that
sends people to them.
- kcris
> sage-devel,
> but I believe the combination rather shows that we are unlikely to find a lot
> of
> developers taking on Burcin's proposals.
Hmm, that is interesting. I don't know if it means anything (it
might), but it is interesting. Thanks for that.
- kcrisman
dly long list (perhaps asking "show all?") for
the *second* tab, it could be annoying.
But certainly having a way to do the sage-mode thing without using
sage-mode would be really nice, especially when one isn't sure
- kcrisman
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ome of the meta-reasons OSS
is good), but the sheer time involved without this automation for
anything that uses non-Python code (esp. upgrading spkgs) is
overwhelming. But this project seems to be further away than 1) and
2) above, which are so close to fruition.
- kcrisman
To post to thi
this. As I say above, a simpler example would be easier to try in
"pure" Maxima and to see what happens there if one assumes s is real.
- kcrisman
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through. I may not have time to look
into this for a while otherwise, so if no one else responds relatively
soon feel free to make a new Trac ticket and cc: kcrisman.
> It seems that the 'real' assumption is completely ignored.
Yes, I saw that - just wanted one easier to type in by h
On Oct 22, 1:08 pm, Mike Hansen wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 8:47 AM, kcrisman wrote:
> > So somehow that isn't getting through. I may not have time to look
> > into this for a while otherwise, so if no one else responds relatively
> > soon feel free to mak
might be able to make a
machine available for this, depending on what the buildbot would
actually do. Mitesh or you can email offlist if desired.
- kcrisman
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sniff at, particularly in situations with low
bandwidth. What does that (piece of Sage) compress to in the .tgz?
- kcrisman
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right, maybe more like 3-4 MB if we only needed one
version of gfortran. That would be a nice compromise to the issues
raised here, and I'd be very happy to test these (as I'm sure some
others would be as well); unfortunately, I don't have the skills
needed to actually create such an
ing other platforms that would say
> installing prerequisite xy on my system/platform isn't easy
> either. ;-)
Perhaps, but in that case they shouldn't be using such user-unfriendly
systems in the first place ;)
- kcrisman
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ard to package. I know I have no moral
authority on this as I can't do it, and this has been discussed ad
nauseam before, but it would be so awesome, and Mike's binary did
eventually work for me... after a bit of not-for-dummies stuff, of
Sorry, now I'm OT.
- kcrisman
I have the option, I
> try to just use Python + Cython.
For current Sage needs, though, the reason for Fortran is Scipy and R,
correct? (Maybe PolyBoRi?) Though I also note
http://www.sagemath.org/doc/numerical_sage/f2py.html refers to another
cool %magic thing. Just checking.
- kcrisman
dates (for various reasons, discussed a lot elsewhere) as the release
structure has gotten more well-defined.
- kcrisman
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Good to know, thanks.
- kcrisman
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On Oct 27, 11:16 pm, William Stein wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 7:52 PM, kcrisman wrote:
> >> The Sage packages that directly depend on Fortran are: R, f2c,
> >> lapack, blas, numpy, scipy, cvxopt:
> >> Note that numpy can be built and used *without
eople who
would attend both that we really will need a minimum staffing to make
the Sage table (already paid-for, I guess) at the Joint Meetings a
working proposition.
- kcrisman
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My favorite part is the non-spoofy thing that happens at this spoofy
> Faculty and Staff of the UW Seattle campus may connect
> tohttp://sagemath.org/homeuse/to request a Sage license for their
404 Error: page not found
as it should be :)
- kcrisman
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> I'm of the opinion that outside academia, there is not a lot of call for
> Mathematica.
I think that in physics Mma is used fairly heavily, at least in
certain circles. I don't know how much of that is outside academia,
presumably a fair amount.
- kcrisman
To post
in their Sage life cycle. It takes a while to get
used to an open development culture! Which this thread shows is very
healthy in Sage :)
- kcrisman
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It turns out there is a preference you can set in Quicktime X to make
both a screencast AND a movie with the builtin camera, and then in
iMovie you could line them up, so if I ever do something like that,
I'd go that way (with a moderately powerful computer).
- kcrisman
To post t
of them
easily, though. I know there is discussion of this earlier on this
list as well as on some tickets, but I cannot find them - probably
because 'examples' is a VERY common word and I'm not too good at
directing them Boolean searches there.
- kcrisman
To post to th
e quite that long, but on a similar
order of magnitude (i.e., not under 10 minutes). Is bsd.math pretty
busy with other things?
- kcrisman
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At least historically, such errors often had their own Trac tickets
for putting doctest patches when such things were fixed. I don't know
if that is the best way, but it does at least call attention to the
actual error, as opposed to subsuming it into a Maxima upgrade
- kcrisman
tinue the build. Sometimes this works
for me. So if you did
before, you could just type
- kcrisman
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For more op
> import os
> os.uname()[4]
> > 'Power Macintosh'
> os.uname()[0]
> > 'Darwin'
> > What is it on Intel? On 10.4 PPC?
Same on 10.4 PPC.
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e cannot distribute it under GPLv2+!
In fact I think that on occasion William has asked GPLv2 people to
relicense under 2+, and often (always?) they've been happy to do so.
Is there any current code in Sage that is GPLv2 only?
I am sure that makers of proprietary software cackle with glee e
ormula to use in what situation and finding maximum
volumes of boxes or rates of emptying of conical water tanks doesn't
fit that...).
But now it's a moot point. Maxima uses Lisp; Sage has Python; XYZ has
WTQ; etc. For some people Python is a selling point; let it be a
selling point, the
could check such things at the library level.
That's a little orthogonal to your main question, which I should know
the answer to, but have forgotten off hand. Might this be in sage/
libs/ginac/ ?
- kcrisman
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On Nov 12, 5:16 pm, rjf wrote:
> On Nov 12, 10:46 am, kcrisman wrote:
> > > My view is that there has been excessive boosterism for Python,
> > Perhaps.
> > > So having packages in Python doesn't matter, and therefore it is not
> > > really a
;m not quite sure what
the best solution is. The easiest one is making really big letters in
the documentation that say "don't do this" and trying to catch these
- kcrisman
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> Personally, I'm in favor of deprecating the solve(eq, x,y) or solve(list
> of equations, x,y,z) syntax, and would prefer that the variables be
> specified as a list:
Backwards-incompatible, hence fodder for the mythical Sage 5.0 ...
> solve(eq, [x,y]) or
> solve(list of equations, [x,y,z])
Okay, it turns out that this is the explanation for all the weirdness
at #10750, which I hadn't bothered to figure out before. I'm updating
that ticket now.
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> > Backwards-incompatible, hence fodder for the mythical Sage 5.0 ...
> We deprecate after one year. I think deprecation should have nothing
> to do with "sage 5.0". The policy, which we agreed on long ago is
Sometimes we've talked about "1 year + next (major) version". My
point was that 5.0
s in a course
the second half of the semester - one intended (among other things) to
familiarize majors with many tools and resources in math, such as
MathSciNet, various journals, LaTeX, and... Sage.
- kcrisman
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happening behind the scenes.
Discussion continuing on the ticket - incidentally, Simon already
provided a ton of help on this there, let's hear it for the speed of
open source! (When it wants to be speedy.)
- kcrisman
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> So, does anyone have any objections to changing the fast_callable error
> to a TypeError (rather than ValueError), and making the error message
> analogous to math.cos? I'll interpret silence as assent :). I'm not
> sure what to do about a deprecation, though. How do you do a
> deprecation war
> It is my opinion that Apple has no interest in funding or supporting
> Sage. (1) Funding open source projects is really in Apple's culture
> (which is very different than say Google's), and -- more importantly,
You mean "not" in the culture, in case anyone gets confused, though
the context mak
- kcrisman
On Oct 6, 3:12 pm, Chappman wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I am currently doing a project which involves graph theory. I have created a
> graph, and I have currently hit a brick wall with getting some summary
> measures such as clustering coefficients.
> I have current
ort 21, but which one we link to on the front page is probably a
matter of preference.]
- kcrisman
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4. If someone disagrees, then they should *add* report 21 or
some other report as a direct link, so that both are available from
the front page (fewer clicks).
Thanks, Leif! As to the other stuff, I can only say +1.
- kcrisman
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very important.
Exactly what security risk would using an exe installer (say, if it
were downloaded to a Windows 7 box and someone opened the installer)
pose? Though Cygwin will still be a "more" native solution, something
that is one-click is really the point for us.
- kcrisman
To p
on (Harald, most notably?), but it is hard to
integrate with one's usual habits. If you can make a way to make it
easier to use, that would be really helpful. Many of the reports are
known or duds, but some aren't, and it's useful to have more feedback
that people can come back to.
- kc
> The first step in getting that database-centric design into sagenb is to
> test and release the flask notebook that is has been in the wings since
> January.
> So another call to everyone: please, please test test.sagenb.org and
> report any regressions.
> William: I think that it wouldn't hu
had a lot of fun the rest
of class.
Let's get this upgrade tested and *in*.
- kcrisman
On Oct 19, 12:18 am, Jason Grout wrote:
> On 10/18/11 9:49 PM, Jason Grout wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > sagenb.org is now upgraded to the latest version of the flask notebook.
tEdit. But I'm sure that many first-time
developers would use that at most, if not even more rudimentary tools.
- kcrisman
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For m
I won't repeat Jason's email above, but +1 to everything he said.
On Oct 27, 2:18 am, Simon King wrote:
> Hi Florent,
> On 26 Okt., 17:58, Florent Hivert wrote:
> > If you want some example of what has been painful in the past, here they
> > are. Note: I don't intend any offense against the
I'm assuming this would also have no effect on single-processor
machines, even if one were to be silly and set MAKE=make -j2 or
- kcrisman
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the Sage build.
Things like errors in zlib... "This may not be fatal", then "read jobs
pipe, Operation not supported, stop".
Not a big deal, because with unset make but parallel spkg build there
is no problem. But just something to watch for, maybe to add to the
devel guide when
ot of interest those with the power to make it happen will concur :)
- kcrisman
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On Oct 28, 7:48 pm, Eviatar wrote:
> Thank you for the information.
> However, I do think Sage acts inconsistently with logarithms.
> Why should this work:
> sage: log(0)
> -Infinity
> but not this:
> sage: log(2, 0)
> ValueError: m must be positive
The base is the *second* argument.
sage: 1./0
sage: CC(1)/0
NaN - NaN*I
And why -, not +, NaN*I? Since
sage: CC(-1)/0
NaN - NaN*I
sage: CC(0)/CC(0)
NaN - NaN*I
Anyone who knows more about this is welcome to say more/correct,
- kcrisman
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Also it's worth pointing out that there are (at least) two contributed
papers about using Sage.
Teaching Transformations of Functions Using Sage (by PREP participant
Susan Schmoyer)
Full Sage Contents of Introductory Line
Wiki page up at http://wiki.sagemath.org/jmms2012
Everyone, please make this more accurate (e.g., sign up!) and think
about how to make the table even more awesome this year.
- kcrisman
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-sized box of materials
> left over from Mathfest, including handouts, quick references, stickers,
> signs, etc.
Great... more to carry. So I may have to drive that first day, and
parking in the Back Bay/Fenway is nuts. :(
- kcrisman
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l my Cygwin instead
because of some weird sed problem Leif and I were trying to figure out
a few months ago... sigh.
- kcrisman
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