It is disturbing when one sees "command not found" errors in a configure
script. That is what happens with 10.4.beta5. After tracing it down I
found that they are coming from lines like:
*if "${PYTHON_FOR_VENV}" -c "import sys;
sys.exit(sys.version_info.minor < 11)"*
*then :*
The variab
Somebody just pointed out to me that sage-release was set to moderate new
members, so I changed it back so that everyone can post. This might be a
new feature that is being rolled out with a default that prevents new
members from posting directly.
sage-devel is also set that "Group members can
Oh. And I think the default value should probably be set with:
- Marc
On Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 5:54:55 PM UTC-5 Marc Culler wrote:
> It is disturbing when one sees "command not found" errors in a configure
> script. That is what happens with 10.4.beta5. Aft