It is disturbing when one sees "command not found" errors in a configure 
script.  That is what happens with 10.4.beta5.  After tracing it down I 
found that they are coming from lines like: 

*    if "${PYTHON_FOR_VENV}" -c "import sys; 
sys.exit(sys.version_info.minor < 11)"*
*then :*

The variable PYTHON_FOR_VENV is set with the command:

*if test x$sage_spkg_install_python3 = xnothen :      

But I think that if sage_spkg_install_python3 has the value yes then 
PYTHON_FOR_VENV is not assigned a value, causing the errors when configure 
is run.

I have not determined what the collateral damage of this is.  But it seems 
to me that there should be a default value for  PYTHON_FOR_VENV.

- Marc

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