On 28-Jan-10, at 11:16 AM, xtian wrote:
Nick Alexander wrote:
Try custom-set-variable inferior-sage-prompt to the following string:
ipdb>\\|sage:\\) \\)+\\)"
I experimented with that a little, but to no avail (my eli
Nick Alexander wrote:
> [...]
> Try custom-set-variable inferior-sage-prompt to the following string:
> "\\(?:^\\(?:\\(?:(\\(?:[Pg]db)\\)\\|\\.\\.\\.\\(?:\\.\\.\\)?\\|>>>\\|
> ipdb>\\|sage:\\) \\)+\\)"
I experimented with that a little, but to no avail (my elisp expertise
is almost non-existent).
On 28-Jan-10, at 6:51 AM, xtian wrote:
Using sage-mode 0.6 with emacs21, I'm getting the
following parse errors (produced with 'emacs --debug-init')
on startup, i.e. when SAGE_ROOT/data/emacs/sage.el
gets loaded:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-number-of-arguments #[(regexp)
Using sage-mode 0.6 with emacs21, I'm getting the
following parse errors (produced with 'emacs --debug-init')
on startup, i.e. when SAGE_ROOT/data/emacs/sage.el
gets loaded:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-number-of-arguments #[(regexp)
"ÁÂ DD‡" [regexp rx-to-string quote] 3 ("/u