On 28-Jan-10, at 11:16 AM, xtian wrote:

Nick Alexander wrote:
Try custom-set-variable inferior-sage-prompt to the following string:
ipdb>\\|sage:\\) \\)+\\)"

I experimented with that a little, but to no avail (my elisp expertise
is almost non-existent). I keep getting errors there. I'm not
depending on sage-mode, so no worries (as far as I'm concerned).

In the scratch buffer, try:

(setq inferior-sage-prompt "\\(?:^\\(?:\\(?:(\\(?:[Pg]db)\\)\\|\\.\\.\ \.\\(?:\\.\\.\\)?\\|>>>\\|ipdb>\\|sage:\\) \\)+\\)")

Then go to the end of the line, hit C-x C-e (`eval-last-sexp') and try `run-sage' again. Same errors?


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