On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 1:19 AM, Alexander Dreyer
> Hi,
>> This is just my opinion, but isn't the name SPKG (SAGE package)
>> already quite specialised?
> indeed, more generic would be something like PKG_ROOT, etc. But since
> spkg seems to be established as package system (at least in this
> This is just my opinion, but isn't the name SPKG (SAGE package)
> already quite specialised?
indeed, more generic would be something like PKG_ROOT, etc. But since
spkg seems to be established as package system (at least in this
case), one could think of backronyming the "S" in SPKG to somethi
This is just my opinion, but isn't the name SPKG (SAGE package)
already quite specialised?
On Sep 27, 11:13 pm, Ondrej Certik wrote:
> Hi,
> in Femhub (http://femhub.org) I wrote a new buildsystem from scratch
> using Python, so far it's a simple Python script:
> http://github.com/hpfem/femhu