On Tuesday, 29 November 2016 05:57:09 UTC+11, Samuel Lelievre wrote:
> Dear sage-devel,
> This is a follow-up to a discussion on sage-support [0] in which
> the original poster asks a question which I will summarize as:
> Having written some amount of Sage code for a project,
> how can I
We just designed and ordered a wide range of 2,400 stickers for the
SageMath booth at the upcoming Joint Mathematics Meetings in Atlanta,
-- William and Harald
William (http://wstein.org)
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Hey Joseph,
There is currently a fair amount implemented with root systems:
sage: Phi = RootSystem(['A',2])
sage: P = Phi.root_lattice()
sage: Q = Phi.root_lattice()
sage: P = Phi.weight_lattice()
sage: al = Q.simple_roots()
sage: al[1]
sage: al[1].weyl_action([1,2,1])
I've put together a new build of the Sage for Windows installer that I
previewed last week:
This time Sage was built with SAGE_FAT_BINARY=yes, so I *hope* the new
build will fix the issue some of you had with an I
I'm interested in helping out with this project. Julian RĂ¼th, Xavier
Caruso and I are working on p-adics on the Sage IRC channel (
http://www.sagemath.org/help-irc.html) at 4pm EST (10pm CET) today. If you
want to log in and chat about character lattices for a bit I'd be happy to
share ideas.
I'm playing around with implementing Based Root Data, with an eye towards
eventually implementing groups attached to them.
So, I need to instantiate the character and cocharacter lattices; they need
to be free Z-modules with an action of the relevant Weyl group. In other
words they are Z[W]-mod