I really think some kind of a closing, final sentence/statement needs
to be placed right before the "full disclosure." I'd try and come up
with something but I'm exhausted right now.
- Robert
On Aug 8, 2007, at 9:03 PM, David Joyner wrote:
> Hi:
> The version at
> http://sage.math.washing
On 8/8/07, Ted Kosan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > We've discussed stuff like this before on sage-devel, and the
> > decision was made to not put any automatic "call home" features
> > in SAGE. For example, SAGE won't automatically check for
> > updates, report usage patterns, etc., without the
On 8/7/07, Bill Page <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Some months ago I promised to look into the issue of creating a Reduce
> package for Sage (as usual: as and when time permits :). While at the
> ISSAC conference where Sage was conspicuous by it's complete absence!
Sorry about that...
> :-(, I ha
William wrote:
> We've discussed stuff like this before on sage-devel, and the
> decision was made to not put any automatic "call home" features
> in SAGE. For example, SAGE won't automatically check for
> updates, report usage patterns, etc., without the user explicitly
> doing something to "op
Maybe something else is going on, but...
On Aug 8, 2007, at 22:59 , William Stein wrote:
> On 8/8/07, Bill Page <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/sage-2.7.3-x86_64-Linux$ ./sage -clisp
>> clisp: /home/was/sage-2.7.2.rc1/local/lib/clisp/base/lisp.run: No
>> such file or
Strangely, Google Groups converted my em dash into a regular dash. The
em dash character can be easily found elsewhere, though.
To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EM
On 8/8/07, Bill Page <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> William, et al.;
> I downloaded sage-2.7.3-x86_64-Linux.tar.gz, untarred it and started
> sage successfully. But when I ask sage to start a clisp session, it
> fails with the following message:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/sage-2.7.3-x86_64-Linux$ .
Other minor English usage suggestions:
(repairs: em dash, em dash spacing, and run-on sentence)
"various mathematical facts - no code is given, and the programs
are proprietary software some of which only run on hardware many
years out of date."
"various mathematical facts-no code is given.
I have been resisting a mention of this, but I finally gave in:
Do you think "the second author" is a bit awkward, especially right
after mentioning a bunch of mathematical software? It is possible that
readers could become confused.
Ways to deal with this:
1. Use "Your second author... " or "On
On 8/8/07, Chris Chiasson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 8, 12:03 pm, "Ted Kosan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > It might even be possible to actually use Google analytics to track
> > global Sage notebook usage.
> If this is implemented, could this please be restricted to
> sagemath.or
Minor fix on page 2:
"We probably will believe her, but she knows that she will be required
to produce a proof if required."
should probably be
"We probably will believe her, but she knows that she will be required
to produce a proof if requested."
On 8/8/07, David Joyner <[EMAIL PROTECTE
I think saying that Mathematica is the company that made that claim
about needing to know about internals is incorrect since Wikipedia
says that Mathematica is produced by Wolfram Research.
On 8/8/07, David Joyner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi:
> The version at
> http://sage.math.washington
The version at
has been accepted by the editor for the November NOTICES Opinion column.
Are there any further comments? We have a day or 2 before sending in the final
- David Joyner
William, et al.;
I downloaded sage-2.7.3-x86_64-Linux.tar.gz, untarred it and started
sage successfully. But when I ask sage to start a clisp session, it
fails with the following message:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/sage-2.7.3-x86_64-Linux$ ./sage -clisp
clisp: /home/was/sage-2.7.2.rc1/local/lib/cli
On Aug 8, 12:03 pm, "Ted Kosan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It might even be possible to actually use Google analytics to track
> global Sage notebook usage.
If this is implemented, could this please be restricted to
To post
Thanks, Robert. I am well advanced with testing this now. I changed 3 files:
1. ~/sage-2.7/data/extcode/pari/simon/ellQ.gp
where I changed one function main() to have an extra parameter
2. ~/sage-2.7/devel/sage-main/sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/gp_simon.py
which is the associated wra
FYI, the Linbox bug you and Gabe found has been fixed in svn Linbox,
so it will be fixed in SAGE in the not-too-distant future.
Thanks Pascal!!
-- william
-- Forwarded message --
From: Pascal Giorgi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Aug 8, 2007 9:00 AM
Subject: [linbox-devel] R
On 8/8/07, Joel B. Mohler wrote:
> I've never used colinux, but why is vmware a preferable choice than colinux?
> I would think that it would be much easier to get something that felt like a
> native windows application with colinux.
I think both vmware and colinux do very clumsy things to the
On Aug 7, 2007, at 11:17 PM, William Stein wrote:
> The suggestion to make a serious major push for good 3d graphics, is
> clearly difficult but totally doable. I think this would be the best
> investment of time at present for the greatest return.
> The lack of good integrated interactive 3d g
William wrote:
> The SAGE downloads during the last week are as follows:
> Linux Binary
> 42
> OS X Binary
> 42
> Source
> 91
> VMware (= Windows)
> 57
> Total .. 232
In addition to download statistics, I would also be interested in
seeing what Sage's usage
On Aug 8, 2007, at 4:28 AM, John Cremona wrote:
> I am using the simon_two_descent() method for EllipticCurve(), and
> have some curves where the default pari precision is in sufficient,
> for example
> e=EllipticCurve([0,0,0,-10164,409444]);
> e.simon_two_descent()
> fails withe the (gp) r
> I just wrote a new colloquium-style talk on SAGE for CECM today:
> (look for the pdf. The notebook.txt file also has the relevant
> SAGE notebook)
addition funding directed towards that"?
On 8/8/07, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just wrote a new colloquium-style talk on SAGE for CECM today:
> (look for the
I just wrote a new colloquium-style talk on SAGE for CECM today:
(look for the pdf. The notebook.txt file also has the relevant
SAGE notebook)
William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington
I've never used colinux, but why is vmware a preferable choice than colinux?
I would think that it would be much easier to get something that felt like a
native windows application with colinux. I also think that it makes more
sense in the long term (that is, virtualization is the wave of the
Anyone who is an academic using SAGE should try to give a little talk
on it to your department (unneccessary at UW of course). I did this
and I generated a fair amount of interest from our grad students. The
faculty weren't overwhelmed, they all wanted particular things that
sage currently lacks
I am using the simon_two_descent() method for EllipticCurve(), and
have some curves where the default pari precision is in sufficient,
for example
fails withe the (gp) run-time error " *** bnfsunit: precision too low
in get_arch."
On 8/8/07, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Regarding Internet Explorer, the fact is it would
> > > be 1-2 day's of work to make the SAGE notebook reasonably
> > > usable from IE 7. Shift-enter would be replaced by
> > > a
On Tuesday 07 August 2007 18:22, William Stein wrote:
> The number of new downloads of SAGE per week have been roughly
> constant during the last 2-3 months. The growth of SAGE is definitely
> not what I hoped for during my talk at SAGE Days 4.Does anybody
> have any good ideas about how to
On 8/8/07, Chris Chiasson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's cool. I wrote similar stuff in Mathematica when I had to take
> finite element classes. I bet yours is a lot more sophisticated than
> mine. Is your work on the web?
No, it isn't on the web at the moment, mainly because some of the c
William wrote:
>Does anybody
>have any good ideas about how to increase the number of people
>downloading SAGE? My hope is that this question will spark a relaxed
>but enthusiastic and positive open-ended brainstorming thread in which
>a lot of crazy ideas appear.
>I'm laying a lot of groundw
On Aug 8, 3:59 am, "Tim Lahey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I presented software I wrote to
> symbolically derive
> mass and stiffness matrices from first principles for finite element
> analysis at
> Maple's user conference in 2005.
That's cool. I wrote similar stuff in Mathematica when I had to
On Wednesday 08 August 2007, Tim Lahey wrote:
> On 8/8/07, Martin Albrecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 2.) undergrads taking calculus classes or people who use a CAS from time
> > to time only. If SAGE is to reach the 10.000 user mark it is probably
> > this group which makes up the big numbers
> - right now, there is a huge hype surrounding AJAX, Web 2.0, user created
> content and such. SAGE fits in there because of the SAGE notebook which is a
> good example of AJAX actually being useful. Use the hype, let the AJAX crazy
> dotcom world know about it: techcrunch.com, mashable.com, unco
On 8/8/07, Martin Albrecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2.) undergrads taking calculus classes or people who use a CAS from time to
> time only. If SAGE is to reach the 10.000 user mark it is probably this group
> which makes up the big numbers. Many people on this list seem to assume so
> too,
On Wednesday 08 August 2007, William Stein wrote:
> Hi Sage-Devel,
> The SAGE downloads during the last week are as follows:
> Linux Binary
> 42
> OS X Binary
> 42
> Source
> 91
> VMware (= Windows)
> 57
> Total .. 232
> The number of new downloads of SAGE
Actually, to clarify and back up from the previous statement:
I don't know what the level of competition is for those keywords. I
thought it was low because Google didn't show a lot of ads, but that
could be an artifact of automated programs that only show ads that are
clicked on most frequently (
This is kinda off the wall:
Mathematica, Maple, and Matlab don't have a lot of competition for
their keywords on Google, Yahoo, or MSN.
By offering a **very low bid** on each of the names, you could
probably put a message about the SAGE open source project on each of
their names. In addition, yo
> Now that the SAGE acronym has been dropped, I would recommend changing
> the name to sagemath. This name matches the sagemath.org website, it
> helps explain what sage is, and search engines will not return
> unrelated sites if this name is used.
We bring this up every few months, and I mainta
kaimmello wrote:
> I'm here just to say that for non-US users, the name of the program is
> not the simplest to found on the web. SAGE is a name with many
> different meanings and I'd suggest a more "peculiar" name that could
> let the program to be found instantly on the web.
I very much agree
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